



Importance of Nutrition

Do you remember the time in your childhood when you climbed the tallest tree in the neighbourhood? And the time you scraped your knees playing? It was hurtful at that time, but today it hits like nostalgia! Childhood is full of discovery and endless possibilities. And when I see my kids playing, I realise that this time is also crucial for nutrition to play a vital role in the child’s development.

Just like a superhero needs the right fuel to save the day, your child needs the right nutrients to support their adventures. Every giggle, every curious question, every daring climb – it’s all powered by the amazing things they consume – whether a protein drink or green veggies.

So, what is the importance of nutrition in your little adventurer’s life? 

Imagine your child’s body as a fantastic fort they’re constantly building. Strong bones are the sturdy walls, energetic muscles are the tireless guards, and a sharp mind is the brilliant commander within. To build this amazing fort, they need a steady supply of building blocks – essential nutrients! During my growing days, my mother used to give me Complan. And to be honest, I am following in the same footsteps and there are 0 regrets. 

Let us look at the nutrients children need. Here are some key players: (source)

  • Calcium: Builds strong bones and teeth, perfect for all those climbing adventures.
  • Protein: Helps build and repair muscles, giving them the strength to run, jump, and play all day long.
  • Iron: Carries oxygen throughout the body, keeping their energy levels high for nonstop fun.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Like a toolbox full of special tools, these help with everything from brain development to a healthy immune system.

The Role of Nutrition Drinks

We know life can be busy. I am a content creator and a full-time mom, and sometimes parenting can get a little too much to handle. Additionally, for children, getting all the necessary nutrients from food can be challenging. Nutrition drinks like Complan can be a valuable addition to your child’s diet.

Complan is scientifically designed with 34 essential nutrients including 100% milk protein, vitamins and minerals supporting overall growth and development. It also contains 63% more protein than other nutrition drinks. Complan is clinically proven to support 2x faster growth and also supports memory and concentration in growing children.

Think of it as a handy backpack filled with extra snacks for those long explorations. 

Making Mealtime an Adventure

During the growing years of Angel and Aarit, I started making mealtimes a fun time to make them get the best of nutrients. Mealtimes do not have to be a battleground every time. Here are some tips to make it a fun and engaging experience:

  • Get them involved: Let your child help with age-appropriate tasks like washing vegetables or setting the table.
  • Turn it into a game: Make colourful food arrangements, have themed meals, or tell stories about the amazing adventures food takes inside their bodies.
  • Be a role model: Children learn by example. Show them how much you enjoy healthy foods!

Remember, every meal is an opportunity to fuel your child’s growth and adventures. By providing a balanced diet and making the importance of nutrition a priority, you’re helping them build a strong foundation for a healthy and happy life.

So, pack their lunch box with love, fill their cups with nutritious drinks like Complan, and watch them play along with the world, one delicious bite at a time!

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger. This is a part of the public awareness initiative supported by Complan.

As a mother, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible impact that playtime has on my child’s development. Play is not just a way to keep children entertained; it is a vital component of their growth and well-being. In this blog, I want to share with you the numerous benefits of play and why playtime should be an essential part of your child’s daily routine. 

Child's Development
Image Source: Pixabay

Also Read, The Power of Positive Parenting: Strategies for Raising Confident and Happy Children

Over the years, I have been able to understand child psychology a little bit, with Angel and Aarit their growing age. I have understood it is all about how fun you make the learning and not all fun needs to be adapted or have a learning. Let fun be fun, sometimes!

  1. Unleashing Creativity and Imagination

Playtime provides an outlet for children to unleash their creativity and imagination. Whether it’s building castles with blocks or embarking on a make-believe adventure, play allows children to explore new worlds and expand their imaginative capabilities. Sometimes, I am surprised by how creative Angel or Aarit can be, they do come up with certain tricks or ideas that help me too. It encourages them to think outside the box, come up with innovative solutions, and develop a sense of wonder and curiosity.

  1. Developing Cognitive Skills

Engaging in play activities helps develop a wide range of cognitive skills in children. Whether they’re solving puzzles, playing board games, or engaging in role-play, children sharpen their problem-solving abilities, critical thinking skills, and decision-making capabilities. What I have seen is that over time, Angel, since she is elder is able to solve her academic problems in a much quicker way. Play also fosters language development as children engage in conversations, tell stories, and express their thoughts and ideas.

  1. Building Social Skills and Relationships

Playtime offers valuable opportunities for children to interact with their peers, siblings, and even parents. Through play, children learn vital social skills, such as taking turns, sharing, and cooperating. They develop empathy, as they understand and respond to the emotions and needs of others. Building positive relationships and friendships through play sets the foundation for healthy social interactions throughout their lives.

  1. Enhancing Emotional Well-being

I cannot stress enough how important is the mental status of children. Play provides a safe space for children to express and process their emotions. Whether it’s through imaginative play, art, or physical activities, children can release pent-up energy, reduce stress, and improve their overall emotional well-being. Playtime allows them to experiment with different roles and situations, helping them understand and manage their emotions effectively.

  1. Strengthening Physical Development

All work and no play maks jack a dull boy, haven’t we all heard of this phrase? Active play, such as running, jumping, and climbing, is crucial for the physical development of children. It enhances their motor skills, coordination, balance, and strength. Outdoor play, in particular, offers opportunities for children to explore their environment, engage in sports, and develop a healthy and active lifestyle.

  1. Encouraging Independent Thinking

Playtime encourages independent thinking and decision-making skills in children. When given the freedom to explore and make choices during play, children learn to assess risks, problem-solve, and make decisions based on their interests and preferences. This fosters a sense of autonomy and self-confidence that empowers them in various aspects of life.

  1. Strengthening the Parent-Child Bond

Engaging in play with your child is a precious bonding experience. It allows you to connect on a deeper level, understand their interests, and create lasting memories together. By actively participating in their playtime, you become their playmate, mentor, and source of support, fostering a strong and trusting parent-child relationship.

As a mother, I cannot stress enough the importance of play in a child’s development. Playtime is not a frivolous activity but a powerful tool for learning, growth, and well-being. By providing your child with ample opportunities for play, you are nurturing their creativity, cognitive skills, social abilities, and emotional resilience. Embrace the joy of playtime and watch your child thrive in all areas of their development.

Over the years I have come across a lot of new things regarding parenting. It isn’t just about taking care of your child or managing your time with your children. Althemore, parenting is a remarkable journey filled with ups and downs, challenges, and triumphs. Every parent desires to raise confident and happy children who can navigate through life with a positive mindset and strong self-esteem. Of course, there is no perfect formula for parenting, adopting a positive parenting approach can significantly impact a child’s development and overall well-being.

In this blog, I will try to incorporate the power of positive parenting and discuss effective strategies that can help you raise confident and happy children. We as adults do realize at this point in time there are certain childhood issues or incidents that make us what we are today – our nature, and behavior. However, at times we also regret that if we were aware of certain norms during our growing-up days things would have been less complicated.

  1. Nurturing a Positive Parent-Child Relationship

The foundation of positive parenting lies in building a strong and loving relationship with your child. Spend quality time together, engage in meaningful conversations, and show genuine interest in their thoughts and feelings. Play with them, study along with them, and try to make studies and learning a fun activity. This creates a safe and secure environment where your child feels loved, understood, and valued.

  1. Encouraging Open Communication

Effective communication is key to fostering trust and understanding between parents and children. Encourage your child to express their emotions, thoughts, and concerns openly without fear of judgment. Listen actively and empathetically, validating their feelings and providing support and guidance when needed. Do not react immediately with anger or ignorance. By maintaining open lines of communication, you can establish a solid parent-child bond built on mutual respect.

  1. Setting Clear and Positive Boundaries

Children need boundaries to feel secure and understand the expectations set for them. Clearly define limits and rules, explaining the reasons behind them. However, focus on positive reinforcement rather than punishment. I, sometimes become over-excited to listen to their stories as it that is something I like to do with them. However, don’t force them into a conversation additionally give them space to let them come to you. Praise and reward your child for their efforts and achievements, emphasizing their strengths and progress. This instills a sense of confidence and encourages them to make responsible choices.

  1. Practicing Effective Discipline

Discipline is an essential aspect of parenting, but it should be approached in a positive and constructive manner. Instead of resorting to harsh punishments or criticism, employ discipline techniques that teach important life lessons and encourage personal growth. Time-outs, logical consequences, and problem-solving discussions are effective ways to guide children toward understanding the consequences of their actions and making better choices in the future.

  1. Fostering Independence and Decision-Making Skills

As parents, it is natural to want to protect our children from failure and disappointment. However, allowing them to develop independence and decision-making skills is crucial for their overall development. Encourage your child to take on age-appropriate responsibilities, make choices, and learn from their mistakes. This helps build resilience, self-confidence, and problem-solving abilities, enabling them to navigate challenges successfully.

  1. Cultivating a Positive Mindset

Teach your child the power of positivity by modeling it yourself. Focus on the strengths and positive qualities of your child and acknowledge their efforts, no matter how small. Encourage them to adopt a growth mindset, believing that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. You can easily do this by telling stories, narrating incidents – especially real-life ones, or creating a scenario. By emphasizing optimism, resilience, and perseverance, you equip your child with valuable tools to overcome obstacles and maintain a positive outlook in life.

  1. Encouraging Healthy Self-Care Habits

Promote healthy self-care habits to nurture your child’s physical and mental well-being. Encourage regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep to ensure their bodies are well-nourished and energized. Foster a love for learning and provide opportunities for creative expression and hobbies. Additionally, prioritize their emotional well-being by teaching relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or mindfulness exercises, to manage stress and anxiety effectively.

Positive parenting is a powerful approach that can shape the lives of our children, helping them grow into confident, resilient, and happy individuals. By fostering a nurturing and supportive environment, practicing effective communication, setting clear boundaries, and encouraging independence, we can empower our children to face life’s challenges with a positive mindset. Remember, no parent is perfect but the combination of you and your child will definitely help you grow a child who is a great friend to you and you to him or her.

How to get baby sleep through night

As a new parent, one of the most challenging aspects of caring for a baby is helping them sleep through the night. I have had my experiences with both Angel and Aarit. And let me tell you both my kids had different sleep cycles, and I had to apply different tricks to make them sleep.

Image source: Internet

I am sure, just like me, you must be also tired waking up every few hours to feed or soothe a crying baby and this could also be exhausting and overwhelming. However, with a few strategies and a little patience, it is possible to help your baby develop healthy sleep habits and get them sleeping through the night.

Here are some strategies that worked for me when trying to get my baby to sleep through the night:

7 Ways to get baby sleep through night

  • Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine

Babies thrive on consistency, and establishing a regular bedtime routine can help signal to your baby that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep. A consistent routine can include a bath, reading a book, singing a lullaby, or any other soothing activity that works for you and your baby. Try to keep the routine relatively short and consistent each night to help establish a predictable pattern.

  • Put Your Baby to Bed While They’re Drowsy

It’s important to avoid putting your baby to bed when they are overtired or overstimulated. Instead, aim to put them down when they are drowsy but still awake. This will allow them to learn to self-soothe and fall asleep independently, which can help them sleep more soundly through the night.

  • Encourage Daytime Naps

While it may seem counterintuitive, encouraging daytime naps can actually help your baby sleep better at night. When babies are overtired, they tend to sleep more lightly and wake up more frequently. By encouraging regular daytime naps, your baby will be more rested and better able to sleep soundly at night.

  • Consider Sleep Training

Sleep training is a method that involves teaching your baby to fall asleep independently and self-soothe if they wake up during the night. There are a variety of sleep training methods, such as the Ferber method, the Cry It Out method, and the pick-up-put-down method. Each method has its own pros and cons, so it’s important to research and choose one that aligns with your parenting style and values.

Also Read, A List of Chores Your Little Ones Can Help Out With

  • Avoid Overfeeding at Night

While it’s important to ensure that your baby is getting enough nourishment, overfeeding at night can actually interfere with their ability to sleep soundly. Avoid offering your baby large feeds right before bedtime and instead aim to space out feedings throughout the day. If your baby wakes up hungry during the night, try to offer a smaller feeding rather than a full meal.

  • Create a Soothing Sleep Environment

Creating a comfortable and soothing sleep environment can help your baby feel more relaxed and secure when it’s time for bed. This can include things like using a white noise machine, keeping the room dark and cool, and using a comfortable and safe sleep surface.

  • Be Patient and Consistent

Developing healthy sleep habits takes time and patience, so it’s important to stick with a routine and be consistent in your approach. It can take several weeks or even months for your baby to learn to sleep through the night, so try not to get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results.

In my personal experience, I found that a combination of these strategies helped my baby develop healthy sleep habits and start sleeping through the night. However, every baby is different, and it’s important to find what works best for you and your family.

It’s also worth noting that there may be medical or developmental reasons why your baby is having trouble sleeping through the night. If you have concerns about your baby’s sleep habits or if they seem excessively fussy or uncomfortable, it’s important to talk to your pediatrician.

Helping your baby develop healthy sleep habits and start sleeping through the night can be challenging, but it’s not impossible, definitely. I hope these points help you and let me know in the comment section what works for you!

As parents, we all know that household chores can be overwhelming at times. But did you know that involving your little ones in age-appropriate chores can not only help lighten your load but also teach them valuable life skills? 

The energy kids have is something you can bring to your use. I have always incorporated Aarit and Angel in chores that they can be helpful at. Engaging children in household chores not only promotes responsibility and independence but also fosters a sense of accomplishment and pride in contributing to the family. 

In this blog, I will help you with  a list of chores that your little ones can help out with to become little helpers around the house.

  1. Making the Bed: Even young children can help with making the bed. Show them how to straighten the pillows and pull up the sheets and comforter. It may not be perfect, but it’s a great way to start teaching them about tidiness and routine.
  1. Setting the Table: Your little one can assist in setting the table for meals. Teach them to place the plates, napkins, utensils, and cups in their proper places. This not only helps with mealtime preparation but also teaches them about table manners and etiquette.
  1. Putting Away Toys: Encourage your child to put away their toys after playing. Provide them with a designated place for their toys and teach them to clean up after themselves. This promotes organization and tidiness.
  1. Sorting Laundry: Your little one can help with sorting laundry. Show them how to separate clothes into different piles, such as lights and darks. They can also help fold small items like socks and hand towels.
  1. Watering Plants: If you have indoor or outdoor plants, your child can assist with watering them. Teach them how to use a watering can or spray bottle and explain the importance of taking care of plants.
  1. Dusting: Your child can help with dusting by using a microfiber cloth or a feather duster. Show them how to dust surfaces such as furniture, shelves, and windowsills. This not only helps with cleanliness but also promotes fine motor skills.
  1. Wiping Surfaces: Your little one can help with wiping surfaces, such as countertops and tables, with a damp cloth. Teach them how to remove spills and crumbs, and how to clean up after themselves.
  1. Feeding Pets: If you have pets, your child can assist with feeding them. Teach them the appropriate amount of food to give and how to refill water bowls. This promotes empathy and caring for animals.
  1. Taking out the Trash: Your child can help with taking out the trash by gathering trash bags and disposing of them in the appropriate bins or cans. Make sure to supervise them and teach them about proper waste disposal.
  1. Cleaning their Room: Encourage your child to take responsibility for keeping their room tidy. They can help with making their bed, picking up toys, and putting away clothes. This promotes organization and cleanliness.

Remember, when involving your child in chores, it’s important to be patient, provide clear instructions, and praise their efforts. Chores should be age-appropriate and not overwhelming for your child. Make it a fun and enjoyable experience by turning it into a game or a challenge. 

By involving your little ones in household chores, you are not only teaching them important life skills but also instilling a sense of responsibility, independence, and pride in contributing to the family. 

Organize Your Little One’s Room

As a mother, I know how important it is to create a safe and nurturing environment for my little ones, and one key area that requires attention is their room. A well-organized room not only helps to keep things tidy but also promotes a sense of calm and encourages healthy habits of cleanliness and responsibility. The kids room had started becoming a mess and I had no idea where to start from. I used to guide my kids to tidy their rooms, however, the room still needed help. So, after a lot of experiments, I have come up with 8 tips that can help you keep your kids’ room tidy.

Organize Your Little One's Room
Image Source:colgatekids

Let us explore some practical tips on how to organize your little one’s room, creating a space that is functional, fun, and conducive to their growth and development.

  1. Declutter and Purge: The first step in organizing any room is to declutter and purge unnecessary items. Little ones tend to accumulate toys, clothes, and other belongings quickly. Go through their belongings and donate, sell, or discard items that are no longer needed or used. This will not only create more space but also make it easier to keep the room organized in the long run.
  1. Create Storage Zones: Creating designated storage zones is crucial for keeping things organized. Invest in child-friendly storage solutions such as shelves, cubbies, toy chests, and baskets to store toys, books, clothes, and other items. Make sure that these storage solutions are easily accessible to your little one so that they can learn to put away their belongings independently.
  1. Use Labels: Labels are a great way to teach your little one about organization and responsibility. Use labels on bins, drawers, and shelves to indicate what items go where. You can use pictures or simple words depending on your child’s age and reading ability. This will help your child learn to sort and categorize their belongings, making it easier for them to find what they need and put things back in their designated place.
  1. Keep it Simple: Keep the organization system simple and easy for your child to understand. Avoid complex systems that may overwhelm them. For example, use clear containers for toys and clothes, so your child can see what’s inside without having to rummage through everything. Keep the most frequently used items at eye level for easy access, and rotate toys and books periodically to keep things fresh and interesting.
  1. Incorporate Play Spaces: A well-organized room should also have designated play spaces. Create a cozy reading nook with a comfortable chair, soft pillows, and a bookshelf. Set up an area for arts and crafts with a table, chairs, and storage for art supplies. Having dedicated play spaces encourages your child to engage in imaginative play, creativity, and learning.
  1. Teach Cleaning Habits: Organizing a room is not just about tidying up, but also about teaching your child good cleaning habits. Encourage your little ones to make their bed, put away their toys, and tidy up after themselves regularly. Make it a fun and rewarding activity by creating a cleanup routine, setting up a timer, or using a reward chart. This will instill a sense of responsibility and ownership in your child towards their room.
  1. Rotate and Donate: Children outgrow toys, clothes, and other belongings quickly, so it’s important to periodically rotate and donate items that are no longer used or needed. This will prevent clutter from accumulating and keep the room organized. Involve your child in the process of selecting items to donate, and teach them about the importance of giving to those in need.
    Also Read, Tips for Maximum Productivity for Stay-at-Home/Work-at-Home Moms
  1. Safety First: Lastly, don’t forget about safety when organizing your little one’s room. Make sure that heavy items are secured to the wall, cords are tucked away, and small items are kept out of reach. Choose age-appropriate furniture, and ensure that the room is well-lit and ventilated. Regularly check for any hazards or potential dangers and address them promptly.

So, if you keep these 8 pointers in mind, keeping your little one’s room won’t be a huge task to handle. And who doesn’t want to live in a lovely space which is all decked up and organized, right?

Being a stay-at-home mom or a work-at-home mom can be both rewarding and challenging. I have always been sharing with you my experiences and stories about my life and parenting. What I have learned all these days is that you are responsible for taking care of your family and managing household tasks, while also trying to balance your work or business. Staying productive in this dynamic environment can be challenging, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can achieve maximum productivity. Here are some things I have learned as a stay-at-home/work-at-home mom that help me make the most of my time and energy. Hope it helps you too!

  1. Establish a Routine: Having a routine is crucial for maximizing productivity. Create a schedule that outlines your daily tasks and responsibilities. Set specific times for household chores, work-related tasks, self-care, and family time. Stick to this routine as much as possible, as it helps you stay organized and focused.
  1. Set Realistic Expectations: It’s essential to set realistic expectations for yourself. Understand that you may not be able to accomplish everything in a day, and that’s okay. Be kind to yourself and prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. Set achievable goals and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem.
  1. Create a Dedicated Workspace: Having a designated workspace at home can help you stay focused and productive. Set up a dedicated office space where you can work without distractions. Keep it organized, clutter-free, and equipped with all the necessary tools and supplies. This will help you create a professional environment and increase your efficiency.
  1. Manage Your Time Wisely: Time management is critical for stay-at-home or work-at-home moms. Use time-saving techniques such as batch processing, where you group similar tasks together to complete them efficiently. Avoid multitasking, as it can lead to decreased productivity. Instead, focus on one task at a time and complete it before moving on to the next one.
  1. Delegate and Seek Help: You don’t have to do everything by yourself. Delegate household tasks to other family members, if possible. Seek help from a babysitter, family member, or friend to watch your children for a few hours, so you can focus on work. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed, as it can reduce your workload and increase productivity.
  1. Take Breaks and Practice Self-Care: Taking breaks and practicing self-care is crucial for staying productive. Set aside time for regular breaks to relax, stretch, or do something enjoyable. Take care of your physical and mental health by eating well, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that rejuvenate you. When you take care of yourself, you are better equipped to handle your responsibilities efficiently.
  1. Prioritize Your Work: As a stay-at-home/work-at-home mom, you may have multiple tasks competing for your attention. Learn to prioritize your work based on urgency and importance. Use tools such as to-do lists, calendars, and productivity apps to help you stay organized and focused. Focus on the most critical tasks first and avoid getting overwhelmed by trying to do everything at once.
  1. Stay Motivated: Staying motivated is essential for maintaining productivity. Find ways to stay motivated, such as setting personal and professional goals, rewarding yourself for achieving milestones, and staying connected with a supportive network of fellow moms or colleagues. Remind yourself of your purpose and the benefits of your work, whether it’s taking care of your family or pursuing a fulfilling career.

Daily schedule as Mom

The wide spread of the coronavirus has forced many individuals into their first experiences working from home, which means you may need your productivity approach. Your day will have a reliable, overarching structure, and here are some recommendations to help you fine-tune it to your needs. Modifications may be made to accommodate factors such as when you wake up, when others expect you to be accessible when you are at your most productive, and whether or not you have children or other responsibilities that need you to care for other people.

8 Tasks you should try to accomplish while your little one is sleeping

7:30 AM

You may get the most out of your day by beginning with a refreshing shower, a cup of coffee, some meditation, some light stretching, and a quick check of your most important apps, such as Gmail, Slack, or whatever works best for you.

No matter how fast the routine is completed, it would help if you did not skip it. Don’t waste time on social media or CNN before accomplishing something useful. Reading the news and scrolling through Instagram may not be the greatest way to start the day.

8:15 AM

Immediately address any pressing issues, and keep your supervisor and coworkers updated. Taking care of this first thing in the morning will allow you to dive headfirst into your workday without worrying about forgetting anything or keeping other people waiting.

8:45 AM

Focus initially on the tasks crucial to your success and creatively satisfying. Take advantage of your fresh, awake mind by focusing on something more important than mindless routines first thing in the morning. Even if your whole day gets derailed by an emergency, if you spend the first three-quarters to an hour and a half of it making progress on a meaningful activity or project, you will feel content with your work.

10 AM

Let’s take a break and get some coffee or tea. You have worked diligently for almost two hours and earned some rest and relaxation. Try sending a quick text to a few friends or family members to check how they are doing. Separating oneself emotionally from a group of people is not the same as physically withdrawing from them.

12:30 PM

Lunch! Go away from your desk to savor the meal in a new setting. The last thing you want is to look up from your keyboard and see that your plate is empty without having had a chance to enjoy your tuna melt because you were too preoccupied with typing. Moreover, if the weather lets it, try to spend some time outside and get some exercise.

1:30 PM

You are not the kind of person who wastes precious early hours poring through emails and doing follow-up work. See how much you’ve completed this morning by focusing like a laser.

2:30 PM

If you have to have a virtual meeting, try to arrange it for the early afternoon. Whether you’re an extrovert who thrives on interaction with others or an introvert who prefers quiet reflection throughout the workday, today is likely to find you feeling great and rejuvenated after a day of meetings and small conversations. Seeing one another will be very beneficial for both groups.

5 PM

End today’s tasks and map out your strategy for tomorrow. Before turning in for the night, jot down the three tasks on your to-do list that you must do the following day. You may utilize this to keep your attention on what matters most (and help you know how to kick off the next day with your best brain).

6 PM

It would help if you prepared a cocktail, video chat with a few friends and family members, set up dinner, dug right in after a hard day at the office, and do anything else you would like. If you want to give some meaning to the end of each workday, plan pleasurable things to do in some of the evenings. You’ll need to take your mind off work for a while to do this.


You have a lot of say over how you spend your day. Having even a broad framework to work from, such as this one, will make working from home much more pleasant, help you get much more done, and make this social isolation much more acceptable. It’s not worth letting go of your helpful, consistent habits simply because things are tough now. It implies that you need to settle for a solution that will do in the short term.

Tasks to accomplish while your little one is sleeping

If there were a dime for every time a mother heard, “Sleep when the baby sleeps,” she’d have a million dollars in the bank. Right? Even though sleep is crucial for a new mother, she may feel terrible about everything she can do when her baby is napping.

Tasks to accomplish while your little one is sleeping
Image Source: Healthline

It’s a lot simpler to get things done that have been put off due to the baby’s presence when they’re asleep. While the baby is napping, it’s a good time to get some things done and keep your sanity. You’ll be able to pay more attention to your baby when you’re awake. You may have peace of mind if you don’t keep a continual mental checklist of things that need to be done.

8 Tasks you should try to accomplish while your little one is sleeping


There is more to doing laundry than merely throwing dirty clothes into the washer. After the timer goes off, the garments are sorted, folded, and put away, and the job cycle is complete. Laundry has to be done during the babies’ naps since they can’t access the laundry’s separate washing area.

Prepare Meals

Preparing meals may be time-consuming and difficult while caring for a small kid. This is very prevalent in traditional Indian households and dishes. Plan, cook, and preserve meals in large quantities whenever possible. Preparing all of the day’s meals simultaneously reduces the stress of remembering to do so at the right times, provided that the meals have been scheduled beforehand.

Also Read, Discussing Boundaries with kids

Make a Decent Effort to Clean –

Unless you have full-time assistance, you’re wasting time worrying about keeping the home spotless. The lack of a permanent housekeeper is not anything to stress about. Instead, focus on the mundane but necessary chores that must be completed daily for the household to run well. All the dirty dishes need to be cleaned, the floor needs to be swept, and the baby caddy, mop bucket, and toy chest need to be put in their proper places.

Time for a Workout, some Yoga, or Some Me Time

Despite their organizational skills, many mothers tend to put their children’s needs ahead of their own. The best time to work out or try yoga is while the baby is napping. It aids in rejuvenation, keeps you physically and mentally well, and prepares you to be the best mother you can be. You can provide your newborn with the best care possible if you’re in excellent health.

It’s good for your brain to read and recharge regularly.

You are relegating yourself to second place if you always strive for perfection and prioritize your child’s demands above your own. At the times when you don’t feel like doing these things, sit down to read or watch the news, interact with friends or colleagues, and retrain your brain to think more authentically. Keeping your intellect in good shape might help you feel better physically and emotionally.

Perform your Hobbies

Find time in your busy schedule to engage in something that makes you happy. Put together some artwork or a scrapbook using images of your newborn. Have a nice shower after you finish your coffee (while it’s still hot), paint your nails, and settle down for a hearty meal. Make time for yourself, give yourself a little TLC, and complete your normal skin and hair care regimens.

Do Shopping

Making a grocery list and making an internet order are delicate tasks that may be done while the baby sleeps. A shopping list is a common preventive step employed while maintaining a property that needs maintenance. Either focus again and go out to the store or arrange to have the items on your list sent to you so you may shop in peace without leaving home.

Take ample Amount of Rest.

Prioritizing rest and rejuvenation above housework is essential. In the first few days after giving birth, you should take advantage of the baby’s resting hours to obtain some much-needed rest. As your stamina improves, you can multitask more effectively during rest periods by sleeping. If you’re feeling tired, it’s best for you and the baby to get some shut-eye so you can return to work.


You can alleviate at least one of the worries above by doing even one of these tasks while the baby sleeps. You need to care for yourself, whether catching up on sleep while the baby sleeps or enjoying a cup of coffee while watching the sun go down.

Best Application for Mathematics

When I was small, I loved studying maths, but over the years, as the grades started changing over time, it was hard for me to understand mathematics. We used to study simple number spellings, addition, subtraction, division, etc., in the primary section, i.e., 1st – 5th grade. And suddenly, when I came to the 6th grade, all of it got very intense. It went from simple addition & subtraction to algebra and geometry. Back then, I’d need help to evaluate which approach would be useful for the specific math equation or question.

Creta class app
Snehalata Jain -User of Creta Class

During my days in middle school or secondary section, we didn’t have platforms to refer to for maths or any other subjects for that matter, it was just our textbooks and teachers. I would feel awkward just asking the same questions again, and they would get annoyed if the students were not able to understand the sums. It was hard to learn and understand how to derive the value of x and then use different formulas to prove the value. We also had to remember these formulas for our exams, and again the same thing would confuse me, but somehow I excelled and moved towards the hardest part of maths, geometry, where we had to prove the theories such as the Pythagoras Theory, why LHS=RHS, or why LHS is not equal to RHS.

And cut to so many years later, when I had my daughter, Angel, the one thing that popped up, was her education and how will she manage it in this world, which is just a rat chase. I started thinking of ways that would help her study and understand her subjects better.

When she started attending school, I was so delighted to see how easy it was for her to understand those topics, methods, etc. I was happy to know that she was better than her mom with maths. And during her time there are several youtube channels, tutorial sites, guides, etc., available that help her out with some of the topics.

Also Read, Best maths based application for your kids

We tried some of those websites, but they were not that great, that’s when we found out, about Creta Class, a math learning app specially designed for kids.

Creta Class – Best Application for Mathematics

Creta Class is the one-stop destination for kids who are interested in math and understand mathematical concepts better. It has a systematic curriculum for kids aged 3-8, and they use fun-based AI designed with animated videos, which fosters and maintains their interest.

Creta Class also provides 1-1 mentor service, who also keep a track of their progress, and provides maximum attention to them. This results in better understanding and improved problem-solving tactics.

Creta Class is an application developed by specialists from Ivy League and other world-renowned universities. One of their unique aspects is that they cultivate the idea of thinking skills from a young age. Skills include logical reasoning, data analysis, arithmetic, problem-solving, thinking skills, critical thinking, etc.

They have different topics mixed with activities such as addition & subtraction, overlapping shapes, lining the numbers, etc.

Creta Class supports all mobile devices, provides unlimited access to unlocked lessons, and has short 15-minute classes per lesson.

Best maths learning application
Creta Class App

Here’s how you can register for it:

  1. Click on the Creta Class link to know more details.
  2. DM us via IG (Creat Class India) if you have any questions.
  3. Buy the trial lesson and install the application.
  4. Start learning.

One can also try their demo sessions and observe how their kids are receiving and understanding the concepts.

All-in-all, I would recommend using this application for the betterment of your kid’s future, as it helps them with problem-solving, which is a critical skill and can come in handy in their life too.

For my daughter, Angel, I tried using different applications, websites, and youtube channels, but the one thing that worked well for the understanding of mathematics was Creta Class.

Check the Creta class course link