



Top 5 Maths Learning Apps

  1. Creta Class:
5 Maths Learning Apps
Creta class

Creta Class is an up-and-coming-of-age application with a systematic curriculum for kids aged 3 -8. They have fun animated videos to keep the kids engaged, which helps cultivate kids’ interest in math at an early age. The team will also send study reports and give daily feedback so parents know the kid’s learning process. The lesson will help the kid grab math concepts in a fun way with unlimited access to unlocked access.Kids ages 3 to 8 can benefit from Creta Class, a maths program developed by education experts. Each stage of the systematic program consists of 240 lessons, 1,200 animations, and 12,000 interactive exercises in a progressive learning environment. With bite-sized daily sessions and AI-backed learning paths, Creta Class is one of the best math learing apps makes learning maths fun and easy with 15-minute sessions every day, 5 days a week.

2. BYJU’S:

BYJU’S is a personalized online learning application that one can use anytime, anywhere, and everywhere. They have personal mentors, and one can refer to their website to study from the pre-recorded lessons. It has different sections ranging from pre-primary to primary school, secondary, and even for preparation up to UPSC.

3. Komodo:

Komodo is an application designed by teachers for families. It helps build a strong foundation of maths for children ages 5 – 11. One of their best features includes personalized teaching, can learn from anywhere at any given point in time.

4. Photomath:

Photomath is an app that provides step-by-step explanations of math problems. Anyone can solve any type of math problem just by scanning it. Photomath covers a wide range of topics such as algebra, elementary math, arithmetic, etc.

5. Vedantu:

Vedantu is an Indian tutoring website launched in 2014. It’s a platform that allows you to have live sessions with India’s best-curated teachers.

Baby to sleep through the night

Getting babies to fall asleep again and remain sleeping all night is a common challenge for new parents. Newborns must wake up every few hours to feed since their tiny stomachs can’t hold enough food to keep them satiated through the night. Yet, as time passes, your baby will need fewer nighttime feedings. As a general rule, this is when parents hope their children will finally start sleeping through the night. Yet, this is not always the case, leaving exhausted parents searching for solutions.

How you got your baby to sleep through the night?
Image Source: wehavekids

When babies first begin sleeping through the night is a question that has perplexed parents for centuries. Good sleep hygiene is a learned skill, even if you don’t believe it. Babies need to acquire the routine of going to bed at a certain time and place before they can sleep through the night. There will come a moment when you need your kid to start sleeping through the night, and the following five tips will help you do that.

How to get your baby to sleep through the night

Establish a regular pattern of going to bed and waking up.

Getting ready for bed is a routine that may be started at any time of the day. Your pre-bedtime rituals should be easy to do so that you can stick to them consistently. Even little changes to your baby’s routine might cause them to feel off, which can lead to an increase in night-time wakings. Swaddling your infant and shushing them are two actions that might help calm and comfort your child. You may help your kid form positive connections with bedtime by using the routine you do each night.

Also Read, How to keep kids entertained while you work from Home

Teach your baby to calm themselves.

If your baby wakes up at night and starts crying, it is never out of place to check on them. Nonetheless, it would be best to limit how much time you spend there with them. Make it very clear that it is still time to sleep and not time to play or eat. After you’ve tried to calm them down by laying your hand on their chest for a few seconds, you should leave the room. You may reassure your kid that you’re still there by placing a little weight on their chest and sides when swaddling or carrying them in a Zen Sack. This may aid your infant’s self-soothing skills, lessen separation anxiety, and break the habit of requiring your physical presence to go back to sleep.

Wean your baby off of nighttime feedings.

If your doctor has given you the green light to wean your baby off of nocturnal feedings gently, you may start doing so. Feeding may readily become connected with sleep for many newborns if given at the first sign of waking up. No longer having a practical need for something does not mean your baby will no longer want to utilize it. Over a few days to a week, you should gradually reduce the quantity of food you give them and the frequency of the overnight feedings to get them used to not eating every time they wake up.

Be disciplined and stick to a routine.

To ensure that your baby sleeps the necessary amount at night, you should give them the recommended amount of daytime sleep. Since newborn babies can’t detect the difference between day and night, they sleep nonstop throughout the first several months of their lives. Adults often sleep more, and the evening hours represent the bulk of this time. They won’t be able to sleep as long at night if they nap throughout the day. Check out the sample newborn sleep schedules we’ve supplied to gain some ideas.

Uphold a tranquil atmosphere.

The ambiance might be the deciding factor. Maintain a comfortable temperature, provide complete darkness, and add white noise if necessary. The steady, soothing sound of white noise can help your infant to sleep and will mask any other sounds in the house. You never know what kind of noises can wake your infant up in the middle of the night.


Training your child to sleep through the night will take time and effort. The child and those responsible for their care gain insight from this experience. Please make an effort to learn your child’s routines and how he or she prefers to communicate with you. This will help you train your infant to go to sleep more easily and stay asleep for longer.

Working from home with children

While working from home with children, finding enough activities to keep the kids busy may be challenging so, you can get some work done. Taking care of kids and coming up with things to do with them all day is a full-time job in and of itself, so trying to work on top of that may be challenging. Yet, you may accomplish your objective relatively easily if you have a reliable routine and a toolkit full of helpful strategies. Our guide to working from home with kids in tow.

Working from home with children
Image Source: hbr

Tips for Working from home with children

A bit of forethought and planning may go a long way toward easing the pandemonium that inevitably arises when you work from Home with your kids around. The vast majority of parents agree that setting at least a loose routine is good for their children, but you should do what you find works best for yours. Accept that alterations to the schedule are normal and that it is OK to break from the plan occasionally. Toys and art supplies should be organized, making it easy to find what’s needed and toss out what has worn out.

Physical Training Video Recordings

If your kids have too much pent-up energy and you can’t send them outdoors to play, a fitness DVD is a great alternative. Finding kid-friendly movies online is easy, and there are many to choose from in many different formats. It’s possible to see several of these films at no cost. Attempt new activities with your youngster, such as yoga, dancing, and more. These short films are fun for kids to watch since they often cover age-appropriate subject matter by making allusions to popular culture and children’s media.

Also Read, Discussing Boundaries with kids

Toys and Ingenious Play

Ensuring your kids have enough age-appropriate toys is one of the easiest ways to keep them entertained at Home. It’s important to have your toys organized and in a place where they can be quickly reached anyhow, but it’s especially important if you work from home, given that you likely have a fair number of them already.

To keep things fresh, you may switch up whatever toys are on exhibit at any given time. Some of the toys have been put away in neat bins. This helps keep things neat and reduces the likelihood of kids growing bored with their playthings by always having something new to discover. Foster children’s imaginative play by providing toys and props and placing them in role-playing environments like a store, restaurant, or classroom.

Textbooks, e-books, and audiobooks

Older kids may easily occupy themselves by reading quietly on their own. It would be best if you chose books in advance that are appropriate for your kid’s age, reading level, and attention span. Even before they can read, most youngsters like looking at picture books, and they can often get the gist of the story just by looking at the pictures.

Books for kids may be found with an audiobook CD so that they can listen to the tale while they read. Locate audiobooks and digital books that may be easily downloaded from your local library’s website. Some may include recordings of library story times that you may play for your little ones at Home.

Play Office

Little children like playing at being adults, complete with severe duties of their own. If you don’t have room for them on your main workstation, a little table or desk can do, or you may hang them nearby. Spread any discarded office supplies you may have on the table. This includes but is not limited to: paper scraps, junk mail, envelopes, pens, pencils, notepads, sticky notes, etc.

Let them tinker with some outdated keyboards or calculators. Please provide them with labor chores like stapling papers together, decorating notebook pages, and writing. Provide a dummy phone for them to use in the office so they may take calls while they’re working.


Enjoy the wonderful weather by spending as much time as possible outside with your kids. Children of a certain age may be permitted to play outdoors with little or no adult supervision. While you’re at work, you and the kids might enjoy some time outside doing something. Your options for keeping an eye on the kids in your care include working near a window or, if you have a yard, taking your laptop outside to conduct some work while keeping an eye on them.

Having a clear understanding of limits and respecting them is crucial for both personal advancement and the development of strong relationships. Healthy limits, also known as boundaries, are one of the most valuable tools you can use to help your children develop at any age. Kids need to learn about boundaries so they can grow into well-rounded individuals and maintain healthy connections with those around them. While it can be difficult for caretakers to broach the subject, it is nonetheless a necessary conversation to have. The discussion on boundaries between the guardian and the children can be done effectively by the use of various tips that eventually will set out the importance of maintaining such boundaries.

Benefits of Discussing Boundaries

Teaches life skills and fundamentals

Discussion of boundaries in the childhood stage helps the children in navigating future relationships for example friendship, marriage, and adult/child boundaries. Kids who understand these life fundamentals will have a better chance of navigating the wonderful challenges and opportunities that life presents every day.

Also Read, Things You should know while Choosing Parenting Style

Promotes responsibility

They also get to learn and experience the world around them by being able to work within certain constraints and limits. Kids must understand rules and consequences to be adequately prepared for adulthood and its responsibilities because that is how society operates

Supports emotional well being

Being flexible with children in the discussion of boundaries helps support the emotional well-being of the children. Children who comprehend the limits set for them and the outcomes of exceeding those limitations tend to feel more secure and self-assured, contributing to a more positive state of emotions and overall emotional health.

Enhancement of communication

Having conversations about boundaries can foster better communication between guardians and their offspring by offering a space for transparent and sincere discussions about responsibilities and expectations.

Tips for Discussing Boundaries

Use of Age-appropriate Language

It is crucial to utilize terminology fitting for the youngster’s maturity and progress while talking about limitations. For instance, while dispensing knowledge about sex education, Derogatory and obscene language should not be used, but at the same time dispensing all the reality while considering age. This will facilitate their improved comprehension of the subject matter. It is essential to adjust your method depending on the situation as youngsters of varying ages may have varying degrees of comprehension and react differently to conversations about limitations.

Involving the Child in the Discussion.

Children should be urged to reveal their opinions and emotions regarding the emotions being put in place. This can aid in establishing faith and clarity. For example, they should be free to ask questions about the consequences of certain acts, for instance, premature sex. Such actions help eradicate ignorance on certain issues among the children, therefore, giving them a better understanding of their perspective.

The use of real-life examples

Through the use of real-life experiences, Examples like the consequences on mental and physical health to an individual due to drug abuse can be used to portray the dangers of such Addition, Leading by example by respecting the children’s boundaries as well is another way one can have the children respect boundaries.

Challenges of Discussing Boundaries with Children

Defiance from Children

Children may not be open to the notion of limitations, especially if they sense that the restrictions are too strict or unjust. Parents must tackle the topic in a non-punishing way and pay attention to the child’s point of view.

Different viewpoints between guardians and offspring

The guardians may not see eye to eye with their child regarding what is considered acceptable conduct. Both sides must participate in straightforward and sincere dialogue to establish a set of limitations that both parties agree on.

Challenges in establishing suitable limitations for varying ages

Children of different ages have varying developmental necessities and abilities. Parents must be aware of these needs and establish limits that are fitting for the child’s age and progression.


Conversations about boundaries play a crucial role in advancing wholesome connections and individual growth. By utilizing language that is suitable for the child’s age, engaging the child in the discussions, and maintaining consistency in implementing limits, guardians can assist kids in comprehending and appreciating the boundaries, thereby promoting their overall well-being and leading them to joyful and healthy lifestyles.

Throughout history, the concept of autonomy has been hailed as a moral and political doorway to an independent life. However, the truth is that the concept of being independent is an illusion. The reigns of family and friendship tightly hold society. To evade the bonds of family is to welcome a void of loneliness. Hence bonds like parent-child relationships are required to steer humanity to its inevitable cycle. Parent-child relationships are primarily asymmetrical. A child rarely has the option of choosing their parents.

Also Read, Things You should know while Choosing Parenting Style

Children are entirely dependent on their parents during their formative years and the way till they reach the age of 18. At this point, it is the sole responsibility of parents to mold their children- equipping them with values that become entrenched in them for the rest of their life. This has aided in shaping their personality, behavior, and general perspective of life. However, the parent-child relationship is a dynamic yet important one. It is, therefore, crucial to address different ways of improving it.

Benefits of Parent-Child Relationships

Children who grow up in loving households tend to have a close and almost unbreakable bond with their parents. This healthy relationship lays the groundwork for a plethora of other relationships they are likely to experience at later stages of their lives. They will strive to establish meaningful and fulfilling connections with their friends and partners. The contrary is true; children with strained relationships with their parents eventually struggle to find their footing in society.

Parent-child relationships are the driving force behind a child’s mental, physical, and emotional development. Various scholars such as Sigmund, Ericksen, and Piaget have all delved deep into child development psychology. The unifying factor behind their theories is that a child’s development, whether physical or cognitive, takes part during their early years. At this stage, parents act as an unrivaled engine, slowly giving their children desirable characteristics to help them combat the unrelenting forces of the world.

Challenges of Parent-Child Relationships

One common challenge that ends up as a constraint to parent-child relationships is marital conflict. Divorce or separation tends to disrupt the delicate balance of the family. When parents cannot cordially agree on the most effective method of rearing a child together, then a whirlwind of commenced. These rapid changes induce stress and miscommunication. These factors morph into an avalanche of instability, eventually interfering with a child’s development in numerous phases of their life.

Social issues like poverty also come into play when considering the nature of parent-child relationships. Poverty is likely to be caused by unemployment and imprisonment. The result is the inability of a parent to provide for their child. The failure to provide their child food, shelter, or proper education is undeniably a heavy burden that no parent should bear. Typically, this burden develops into anger, depression, and anxiety, traits that can all be passed onto the child.

Ways of Improving Parent-child Relationships

An efficient method that will strengthen the relationship between a child and parent is the development of rituals. Activities such as watching movies, shopping, and reading together can bolster the relationship between child and parent. The concept of spending time together has become a massive hurdle for many modern families. Workaholic parents barely have time to bond with their children, A complication that could cause a breakdown in communication and trust. Thus, parents must find time to connect with their children through painful and joyous occasions.

Another way is using positively affirming words and actions to show emotions. Negative interactions arising from arguments are bound to happen now and then. Nonetheless, parents should learn to quickly discard these negative impressions from the child’s mind through warm and affirmative actions such as hugs. Counteracting negative interconnections with love and affection is the first step toward developing a good parent-child relationship.

Finally, involving children in decision-making is a constructive and logical strategy that reinforces parent-child relationships. Parents should avoid aggressive parenting by allowing children to make their own decisions from time to time. For instance, parents can opt to let younger children decide what activities they plan on doing. Older children can be given free rein to decide on extracurricular school activities.


Parent-child relationships are fragile no matter the case. Hence, it is essential to tackle the various challenges early on by spending quality time with children. Words of affirmation can also convey love and affection and substantially improve parent-child relationships.

Choosing Parenting Style

The manner in which children are raised can have a significant impact on how they react to different circumstances and may lead to behavioral difficulties if the parenting style is overly lenient, harsh, or inconsistent. . With numerous parenting options, including authoritative, permissive, authoritarian, and uninvolved, choosing the right approach can be challenging. The key to choosing parenting style is to familiarize with the different options, understand their benefits and drawbacks, and see how they align with your own parenting goals and beliefs.

Authoritative parenting

This is a style of parenting that embodies both high levels of expectation and attentiveness. This approach involves creating a supportive and affectionate atmosphere for the child, yet maintaining clear and established guidelines. A situation that embodies the traits of an authoritative parenting style could involve recognizing feelings while also addressing conduct. The parent is open to hearing the child’s perspective and takes the time to clarify the reasoning behind their choices. This method, however, can be difficult to implement because balancing discipline and independence for the children can be a trial and error process.

Permissive parenting

A permissive parenting approach is characterized by being highly attentive to the child and low on strictness. Parents who adopt this style are often supportive and attuned to their child’s emotional well-being and provide a nurturing and affectionate environment. The challenge with this approach, however, is the lack of established rules and behavioral expectations.

Uninvolved parenting

Uninvolved parenting, which can also be referred to as neglectful parenting, focuses mainly on providing the child’s basic necessities such as shelter, clothing, and food. This style of parenting does not set any standards for social or academic behaviors and fails to offer emotional, relational, or self-esteem support to the child. The parent may show disregard, disinterest, or be unresponsive to the child’s needs beyond providing the bare necessities.

Authoritarian parenting

The authoritarian style of parenting is characterized by a high degree of strictness and low levels of attentiveness. This parenting environment employs the use of forceful control and punishments to achieve obedience and compliance. Parents who adopt this style typically provide no reasoning for rules or decisions and do not involve the child in discussions or allow for their input.

Also Read, Fun and Engaging Emotional Development Toys for kids

Factors considered when choosing parenting style

Culture and community

Respective community and cultural norms can shape the ideology behind appropriate child rearing practices hence influencing the choice of parenting. For example, in an African traditional setting, authoritarian parenting is promoted as it is believed to be of more good than harm.

Family dynamics

The way family members interact with each other, including the bond between parents and the kids can influence the parenting approach one selects. Influenced by activities such as work and lifestyle, devotion of time and energy to parenting becomes a factor determining the parenting style. Uninvolved parenting for instance is common in a family setting that has both parents working away from home

Child’s temperament

Knowing your kid’s personal disposition, requirements, and abilities can assist in selecting a parenting method that fits them the best. For instance, for very obedient children, Permissive parenting can be considered by being low on strictness.

Balancing Parenting Tips while choosing parenting style

Setting Goals and Priorities.

The parent should assess the priorities for their family by releasing the significance of things that are not as crucial, enabling them to concentrate on the essentials.


The mode of parenting should be adjustable when required by certain circumstances. The parent should be willing to adapt and open to new approaches with time as the child grows and changes.

Seeking support and guidance.

Parents should approach friends and other family members for help and advice when faced with a dilemma on their choice of parenting. While considering their self-care also and that mistakes are a parenting process, they should not be ashamed of asking for help on matters parenting.


The best parenting style no matter the mode chosen is one that works for the whole family, taking into account all the discussed factors. Parenting styles can however changeover time as your family dynamic changes and as you learn more about your child’s needs and abilities. It is up to each parent to choose what kind of parenting style works best for their family and to continually reflect and adjust as their children grow and their needs change.

Durable Diapers by Mother’s Sparsh

We speak about having baby-soft skin. What is a baby’s soft skin? It is sensitive, it is supple, and also is soft. As adults, our skin develops and builds up where the sensitivity is lost and it resists a level of hardness or roughness caused due to clothes we wear. However, baby skin is super sensitive. If we do not take care of it, the baby will have rashes and redness.

One of the most essential care we, as mothers have to take care of, is choosing the right diapers. Why diapers? Well, the diapers already absorb a lot and when it is attached to your baby’s skin – if the diaper quality isn’t apt – the skin might have severe effects.

When Aarit was born, I opted for products that best suited his skin. I was sure of spending a little more than expected if the product was correct. I have researched a lot in this category, therefore I recommend Mother Sparsh Plant-powered premium cloth diapers. I came across this because I wanted something that was as soft as cotton – the cloth that our parents used, but is protective as well. I was sure I would not be using cloth diapers. It irked me to find something that was up to the mark. I came across the Mother’s Sparsh Diapers. So, I started researching and understanding the brand.

There are unique things I came across about the product therefore I will also be sharing my personal experiences with the same in this blog. Starting from the basics – there were certain boxes I needed to tick to give the product a thumbs up. So, here are my pointers + where the Mother Sparsh diapers stand on them.

  • Safe:

Like any other Mother, the first priority on my list is my child’s safety – ALWAYS I know all mothers, especially the new mother would agree how painful it is to see your child irritated or crying due to allergies or harsh fabrics. And therefore, I definitely liked the Mother’s Sparsh diapers as the material used is soft and safe for the kids. These are made of the finest organic cotton material, making a sustainable yet a premium experience for the baby’s skin.

  • Cost

As a reviewer or researcher, the cost of the product has to come into the picture. The cost of the diapers is well-worth as per the features and quality of the diapers. The diapers are made of Organic cotton blend Material which in anyways is an expensive material however, with the diapers each penny spent is worth it.

  • Washing ease

When it comes to the word “reusable” the first thing that comes to mind is – is it machine washable? Or a hand wash thing? These are some general questions. However, when it comes to reusable diapers – the reusability gets questioned. Just like you, I too was concerned about it. So, the first thing about reusability is that it can be used 250+ times. You can machine wash it as well as hand wash it for daily use. Since the diapers are made of natural plant fabrics the absorption limit is enormous. There are two pointers you need to take care of:

  1. Do not bleach the diapers
  2. Do not iron them. 
  • Diaper Usage/duration

As mentioned above, the diaper can be used 250+ times. Making it a great value-for-money product. Additionally, these diapers offer your baby a premium quality nappy experience.

Speaking of the product’s usage, follow the steps you need to follow:

Step 1:

First, you need to lay the diaper open on a surface, in a manner you are supposed to wrap it on the baby.

Step 2:

Now you have to fold the cotton soaker pad on the diaper and snap it on the inner side.

Step 3:

All you need to do is lay the baby on top of the diaper

Step 4:

Now wrap the diaper along the waist of the baby and make adjustments according to the baby fittings and snap it to seal the deal.

Step 5:

Ensure that there is no gap between the thigh & the elastic – for that perfect fit.

Now that we know that the diapers are one of the best-in-class products, let us also keep an eye on the key features.

  • The diaper is made of 100% 9 layered medical grade cotton soakers – marking it an ultra-soft diaper and Prevents diaper rashes as well
  • Since the material is 100% natural cotton, there are no leakages and rashes that your child would go through
  • Waterproof outer shell! Yes, one of the unique features of the Mother Sparsh Premium diapers. Because of the waterproof outer shell, these diapers are also suitable for overnight use – and they will prevent leaks or any messes.
  • Adjustable snap buttons for the right fit

Quite a lot, right? This wasn’t even half my research on the Mother’s Sparsh Premium diapers. So, when I say these are one of the best products available in this category, trust me I would vouch for it!

Ways to Connect with your Kids

One of the hardest things about being a parent is that our work is never done. While running our households, working to strengthen our relationships, raising our children, and performing many other responsibilities at home, at work, in church, and in the community, how are we expected to make time for meaningful one-on-one conversations with each of our children?

We understand how crucial it is to give every child the feeling of being cherished. should feel like an indispensable and indispensable part of the family. However, people with big families may find this difficult. The fact that my spouse and I have raised four children puts this issue front and centre in my thinking.

We know that no matter how many kids we have, we will always love them equally. However, in the middle of all the chaos that comes with raising a big family, we must make sure our kids know this. It will take effort and time to complete. Nonetheless, a lesser amount than you may think.

Also Read, Fun and Engaging Emotional Development Toys for kids

In the following paragraphs, you’ll find 25 easy and doable ways to engage with your youngster at different times during the day. First, however, it’s important to remember that there are benefits for you as well as your child when you establish a true relationship with your child.

It’s not only bonding that may happen when people get together.

Parents must establish a deep connection with their children if they want to enjoy the long-term benefits of having a strong parent-child relationship, such as laying the framework for effectively managing unpleasant emotions during the teenage years.

But there are immediate benefits as well.

  • Social interaction has the potential to alter one’s behaviour for the better. You understood it perfectly, you did. Is there more whining, fighting, or bad behaviour than you’re used to seeing? There is a strong likelihood that your child only needs to socialize with other people to feel better.
  • Feelings of maternal guilt tend to fade as one spends time in the company of others. Guilt is a constant companion for mothers everywhere. It is challenging for us to reconcile our responsibilities with the time we want to spend with our kids.
  • Getting to know one another opens up channels of interaction. Communicating with a parent is facilitated when they are present and mindful of their parenting. A youngster will feel more comfortable coming to you to talk about tough topics.

Bonding moments don’t have to be planned; they may happen naturally throughout the day and still have a significant impact on a child’s sense of being loved and appreciated.

Simple Ways to connect with your Kid

  • Inquire of them to read to you while you do the dishes or other chores.
  • Unwind and enjoy some quiet time together reading a book. In any case, people may choose to listen to you read or read along with you.
  • Participate in a game together. Do not force them to choose; provide them with a choice.
  • Music, please. You should take turns discussing your favourite topics.
  • It’s time for us to dance together. Be bold and behave like a complete idiot.
  • Get out and take a walk, just the two of you.
  • Have some family fun by coloring or sketching together.
  • Asking them free-form questions is an effective way to stimulate conversation. To show your affection, (this is not a yes/no question), you may place little love notes for them to find.


As parents, we know it’s important to strengthen the bond between ourselves and our children, but there are times when we just don’t have the emotional or cerebral stamina to come up with creative solutions on the fly. If you are anything like me and prefer having a solid collection of ideas easily accessible for instant reference, then this post will come in quite beneficial for you.

Emotional Development Toys for kids

Have you ever felt anxiety after purchasing anything for your kids? You know the feeling I’m talking about: the one you get when you finally put the useless item you just bought down and admit to yourself that you were wrong. All of us have experienced something similar.

 It might have been the newest “it” toy that your kid had been pleading with you for months to get. Or maybe it was your last-minute purchase for a gift exchange at a formal dinner. Each of us has been there, no matter the circumstances.

Although the enormous commercialism of our society tends to hide this truth, toys are not designed to serve any function. Because of this, they are designed to do a certain task. For young children, the goal of both toys and the play they inspire is to foster growth and development in a variety of important areas. My reference to “learn” is not to the flashcard craze that has swept the nation in recent years. When I say “learning,” I mean it literally.

Also Read, Parenting – What Should New Parents Know About It?

Social-Emotional Development Toys for Kids

  • Dolls

One of the most well-recognized symbols of childhood is the doll. While playing “mom” to any doll might help a child develop their emotional skills, this one is unique since its face can change expression depending on what the child is feeling. Young children’s social and emotional growth may benefit from early instruction in emotion recognition and interpretation.

  • Crinkle Activity Book

Soft crinkle books, which have gained popularity among parents in recent years, are a great way to introduce your baby to the world of textures and colors. This particular one is excellent as the colors have a lot of contrast between them. One reason this toy is good for a baby’s mental and emotional growth is that it has a mirror that they may use to check out their reflection. We all know that newborn’s can’t tell if the baby in the mirror is their own, but it doesn’t stop them from having fun looking at people’s features.

  • My First Photo Album

What a brilliant idea, thank you! When my baby was approximately 9 months old, I constructed one of these for him, and he used it for the majority of his life. Even when he was a tiny boy, he adored going over the images. Looking at pictures of themselves with their loved ones might help infants recall and bond with their family members. One of the best tools for our smallest children’s emotional development.

  • Expressions Learning Toy

This tool for teaching infants about emotions is a fantastic way to foster their personal growth. Though our emotions may seem obvious to us, a youngster may not share our perspective. They need guidance to understand the many emotional expressions and their significance.

  • Doctor Play Kit

Medical kits have been sold as toys for kids for decades, but that hasn’t stopped them from being popular. Why? Every kid loves to play make-believe. Various research has shown the importance of youngsters engaging in pretend play. Through imaginative play, kids may learn about themselves and others, as well as how to manage their emotions and impulses.

By staying “in character” as the doctor, they can empathize with patients and keep their own emotions in check during difficult situations (or another character). A lovely illustration of a classic plaything that promotes the development of emotional and social competencies.


Toys and games provide a multitude of benefits beyond simple amusement, which need to be understood by parents, medical professionals, and teachers. Children are given the chance to practice imitating what they observe and can do because of this. Toys suppliers in India play an important part in the process of laying the groundwork for learning, exploring, and problem-solving, as well as coming to terms with one’s place in the world.


Parents have an incredible responsibility to rear their children, teaching those values and morals. There is no greater joy than seeing your child reach their potential in academics or athletics. Whether you are one of the many parents who want the best for their kids or you are ready to hand over your parenting duties to someone else, this guide will help prepare you for what’s ahead.

What Are Important Points To Consider While Parenting For the First Time?

  • First, parenting is not just about providing sustenance, shelter, clothing and raising children. It is also about discipline and training children to become self-sufficient adults.
  • The foundation of all successful, self-reliant adults begins in the first years of life. During this time, children learn the language, gain motor skills, learn how to interact with others and develop an identity. This identity will make them what they are later in their lives – whatever that may be.
  • Children need guidance and support during this crucial period of their lives. Through proper parenting methods, a child can realize their full potential, increase their self-esteem and make informed decisions throughout their lifetime.
  • All of these factors are a long time coming, and early on, it is important to help children understand the value of life. Then, incorporate this knowledge into your parenting methods by teaching them about the environment around them, their family and neighbours.

Give them an understanding of what to expect from others and what is expected from them. With these values in place as a base, it will be easier to instil your own foundation. Teach them how to act in certain situations and how they should react when they don’t know what else to do. This way, they will learn the basic principles behind human interaction and become more efficient when interacting with others later on in their lives.

What Are Common Mistakes To Avoid?

Parents tend to give their kids whatever they want. The parent should make what the child wants to happen for that child. This is exactly the opposite of how parenting works. While treating children with respect and as individuals should always be at the forefront of a parent’s mind, there are limits to that respect and individuality, especially when it crosses into harming others or acting irresponsibly.

Also Read, Importance of Professional Advice for Effective Parenting

A parent’s role is to lovingly guide their children as they grow up, teaching them right from wrong at an age-appropriate level. However, the decisions a child makes while growing up will be based on what they are exposed to in their home environment, so parents need to ensure that there are consequences when things go awry.

How Can You Become Good Parents?

It is a complex task to impart lessons to your children about life, let alone about the world in general. If a parent needs to gain self-confidence in their ability to teach their children the correct way, they will be able to understand their kids’ answers or even their lack of response at times.

Although it may seem like an overwhelming task, there are many ways you can become a good parent. The best course of action is to consider those factors listed earlier in this guide and implement them into your parenting methods. By following these guidelines, you will be guided by what works for you and your child – ensuring that both are living up to the best of their potential.


Parents must know what they are doing before starting out. It will be easier for parents to effectively run a household or provide for their children if they know what they’re doing.