
How to Calm Your Child?

Nobody likes a cry baby on an airplane, neither do they like them in the theaters. There are several times when people are seeing chit-chatting “Why do they bring their child to such places?” Well, it is only a parent who can understand what it is all about. They need to be quick and sometimes new parents tend to lose their patience too. So, this time on my blog I will be going a little deeper than this on the same topic, “How to calm your child?”

There are a lot of times when your child feels agitated or lose his temper, which might lead to breakdown and end up in expressing his anger in actions rather than just in words. There is a huge bubble we parents are living in, the mistake isn’t all ours, we have been brought up the same way. Whenever our child breaks down into tears what is the first thing we usually say? “Stop it!”, “Go to your room, now!”, instead this is a time when we as parents should be the one to calm them down. This is the time to let them know everything will be fine, all they require this time is to feel connected with you.

Below is a rundown of the tips and tricks, which I have been trying to and have worked upon to a lot of extents that will help you calm your child:

–      Stop Adding Up Your Anger on Him/Her

The first and foremost thing is you should not lose your temper when your child is going through the same set of emotions. There will be a time when you might regret your behavior, instead be careful. Whenever your child yelling, throwing things, and crying at the same time you have to take a step back on your anger and calm. Recently  we had marriage function ,during haldi I forced angel to go and dance, as other kids were fully enjoying. She did not got up from place. Suddenly my guilt brought anger on her and I started shouting on her. But later I realized that, I was wrong.  Its her wish, if she is comfortable, she will dance.  Even she started opposing me that I can’t force her to dance and we both calm down with hugs and tears. But I also made her realized that you should also involve yourself and not just sit idol.  She too understood and started dancing immediately.

There might be several reasons for the anger –

  • their insensitive demands
  • intolerable behavior
  • emotional breakdown

However, after you have done your part of the job of making them realize their fault you need to teach them to be calm again. And you are the first teacher, therefore, don’t let the temper extend.

–      Understand what the child is trying to say

There are innumerable times my child tries to tell me something while she is crying, which irks me sometimes. But I have made sure that instead of getting irritated, I give her a couple of minutes and understand what she is trying to say. This is one of the best tips to be followed. You not just understand what he is trying to say but also teach her where she is wrong and when she is right – indeed a practice for the future!

–      Calm her down

It is very important that when your child is angry or went through a breakdown be it for any reason, you need to calm her down. There are times I have seen little ones starting to cry their heart out where they are unable to breathe, well in any of such situations you have to make sure as a responsible parent to let them know that you are there for them, especially to the little ones. A hug with a rub on the back and peck on the cheek will make a huge difference. They will understand the situation in a much better way. I will take the opportunity to say that never leave your child while she is crying, calm her down and talk it out, it is very important and healthy at the same time.

–      Follow a zero-tolerance policy

Having mentioned the above points, it surely doesn’t mean that you do not scold your child ever. You as a parent have to teach your child, make her learn the lessons of life, definitely not with a stick but sometimes harsh words. At the tender age, the child is never well-behaved, they are children they are meant to be that way. It is slowly and steadily from you that they learn. Let them know they are wrong when they are at the moment, it might lead to tears and yelling, but tell them then and there. However, after making them know about it you need to hug them and let them know things will be fine followed by “Make sure you won’t repeat this mistake, right?”

It is quite possible that you have not been following such things with your child which may lead you to think you are a bad parent, but no. You are not a bad parent you can always make things right.

Read more articles on parenting here

I have been reading articles and watching parenting videos there are a number of tips you can point out, but if you could incorporate the above-mentioned points, things will be much better. We have always been saying that parents are the best teachers for a child but remember there is no better teacher for you than your own child.



Snehalata Jain, Mother, Lifestyle blogger, Traveler, Foodie and has a knack of parental advice. She loves to travel with her family and especially her daughter angel so that she can teach her kid the real life experience. A Micro Biologist and lecturer by profession, a full time mother and blogger by choice. She is a social media pro since 2012 handling over 100 profiles till now. Stepping to blog was her decision when she realized that whatever you do or experience, documentation makes it authentic. She loves photography and traveling and creating unique recipes which are healthy and tasty. She writes what she experience during her trips. About Blogsikka : It was just a quick decision to make my lifestyle blog , while searching for blog name. I wanted a name which is not related to specific things as my life is so dynamic that I can’t stick to one thing. I love travelling and eat delicacies from around the world. My love doesn’t stop here , infact I love to cook delicious thing which I see during my trips and replicate at home. Blogsikka is all about my own experiences of life and i write whatever i experience. And my backbone support is my husband DILKHUSH SHAH who is chartered accountant by profession and a hard core traveler by passion. He is the reason behind my all trips. DO FOLLOW MY BLOG : and my all social media tabs


  1. Anita Singh Reply

    Sach me kai baar public places per parents ko ye jhelna padta hai (
    Thanks for helpful post 👍👍

  2. Understanding kids under pressure is a tough thing to do Doing it peaceful is the solution but it is easier said than done. I guess communicating with children forehand helps. But you never know how to react until you step in that parent’s shoes.

  3. You have offered very sound advice for all parents in this post. It can be very frustrating when you do not understand your child’s errant behaviour.

  4. Being a mom of a toddler , i know it’s a huge task to calm down a child throwing temper tantrums.Sometimes the situation or surrounding makes you uncomfortable as you mentioned in a flight or theater, but still we need to manage our kid with utmost care and understanding.Very thoughtful article.

  5. Kids can really try your patie6. However a warm hug and reassurance can work like magic. Enjoyed reading your post Snehalata

  6. Children display anger for different reasons and it’s important to understand that. Pacifying them can be a challenge but is necessary.

  7. Handling meltdown in public places is quite challenging. But the anger of a parent only fuels that up. Communication and patience are the key of dealing it .

  8. Understanding what your child has to say is so important for parents. We need to calm ourselves and Even kids.

  9. It is important to handle kids with care. You have shared some good tips for parents to follow while handling kids.

  10. Patience, understanding and handling we learn when we become a parent. It is not an easy task to convince and keep them calm. But this is the real challenge of parenting. I loved reading the suggestions.

  11. Ruchi Verma Reply

    It’s important to tackle kids in some really smart ways !! I am happy you shared real good and practical tips!!

  12. these are good tips you have mentioned. It’s important that you understand the child and be there for them to calm them down.

  13. I agree, staying calm in such situations can get tricky at times but we as parent need to be calm. Change of positions also helps a lot.

  14. I totally agree with your points. Sometimes we get caught up in the situation so much that we ourselves lose our calm. This makes the situation worse.

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