

The Best Gift Ideas for your loved ones are Personalized Gifts.

Who don’t love Personalized gifts. As adults, we know one thing that everyone needs is love and pampers. We need to give them some memorable moments which will add cherish. Moreover, we see the fact that teenagers love to enjoy their birthdays. Their birthdays are one of the special day which is special to them. They want to live every moment of that day. In Childhood, we start with getting wishes from our loved ones and wearing some fancy clothes to their school. The toffee distribution is one of the coolest things in one’s life. But All celebrations are nothing without gifts.

Personalized Gifts
oil painting

Gifting is truly an art. Gifts are nothing but love in material form. Every time we plan on gifting someone, the first question arrives, what to gift? Yes! We think, think and think over a thousand times on deciding what to gift your loved ones. The same is followed by will they like it or not? Here’s a solution to all of it. A gift for a lifetime, a gift you can give to anyone you know. I’m talking about gifting a hand-painted custom Portrait out of our favorite pictures. A capture once missed is always regretted but painting will never hurt you, I promise.

Personalized Gifts
paintings for Valentines day

BookMyPainting is one such one place you can rely on finding Personalized Gifts such as world-class handmade Paintings. All their artists are professional and experienced. They are a technology-enabled platform with a super-smooth user experience. All the paintings are fully Handmade. Yes! You heard it right, no machine used. They have a wide range of art style and size options and all you need to do is upload your picture.

Are you not sure what size might do wonder for you? Here I am gonna have your back as always.

The art style totally depends on the personality of your Loved ones i.e. The recipient of the gift. If they have black and white, classy personality Charcoal drawings are a win-win to have. The monochromatic look, the superfine contrast are going to win their hearts.  These  gifts not only gives them feel special but will always be with them. That’s the magic of Personalized Gifts.

Personalized Gifts
Charcoal paintings

If your loved ones do have a taste of royalty and colors, the best option will be Oil painting portraits. Oil Portraits are the oldest art form in Portraits. They can even last a lifetime if preserved well. Oil has this royal feel, because of being painted over canvas. Oil paintings must be your call if you’ve got an elegant and ecstatic taste.Personalized Gifts

And here comes the old school watercolor. If the recipient has a kid inside, then this is your winner. The color splashes are gonna make them relive their childhood. It’s a great option for baby Portraits as well. This Christmas You can gift such portraits to kids.

Personalized painting
Water color Painting

If you have a kick for something different, then you should try the only available color sketches. These are prepared with pencil colors and have the classiness with the color of sketching. These will make them fall in love with you again. You’ll be honored with a kiss for sure.

Gifts are something which are always valued bu emotions. The gifting era has changed and has been more customer-oriented than ever. This is a gift which will make you stand out of the queue of a regular gifted  and you’ll be the rock star. So let me know what art style you’re gonna get for your painting?

Happy Gifting!


Snehalata Jain, Mother, Lifestyle blogger, Traveler, Foodie and has a knack of parental advice. She loves to travel with her family and especially her daughter angel so that she can teach her kid the real life experience. A Micro Biologist and lecturer by profession, a full time mother and blogger by choice. She is a social media pro since 2012 handling over 100 profiles till now. Stepping to blog was her decision when she realized that whatever you do or experience, documentation makes it authentic. She loves photography and traveling and creating unique recipes which are healthy and tasty. She writes what she experience during her trips. About Blogsikka : It was just a quick decision to make my lifestyle blog , while searching for blog name. I wanted a name which is not related to specific things as my life is so dynamic that I can’t stick to one thing. I love travelling and eat delicacies from around the world. My love doesn’t stop here , infact I love to cook delicious thing which I see during my trips and replicate at home. Blogsikka is all about my own experiences of life and i write whatever i experience. And my backbone support is my husband DILKHUSH SHAH who is chartered accountant by profession and a hard core traveler by passion. He is the reason behind my all trips. DO FOLLOW MY BLOG : and my all social media tabs


  1. I am a fanatic for oil paintings and this gifting option with personalization is the icing. Going to browse more about Bookmypainting.

  2. wow this looks great for Personalised gifts a great to go with idea sure will be checking out thank for the review.

  3. Naseer Shaikh Reply

    Being a fan of personalized gifts myself and some important events and Anniversaries in coming months,I will definitely gonna check out BookMyPainting. Since you have reviewed it so I’m sure it’s gonna be helpful.Thanks

  4. The best personalized gift you can give your dear ones. I just love the idea a d managed a beautiful one during my daughter’s wedding

  5. I love giving and receiving personalised gifts. These look perfect as Christmas presents too.

  6. These are some good gifting options. I love gifting oil paintings or charcoal sketches to my loved ones on special days

  7. Oh! I love the idea of personalised gifting. For me these are the best gifting option to impress your loved ones. Paintings are close to my heart.

  8. Ruchi Verma Reply

    These are some cool and great gifting options I really love the idea of paint my pic to gift my loved ones!!

  9. Personalized gifts are the best! And not just for gifts, even for our own homes, paintings are such a great idea. I am exploring a painting of my kiddos with me, will explore these out!

  10. Pingback: 7 Best Anniversary Gifts Ideas You Should Consider Gifting Your Hubby

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