

third month of pregnancy


Importance of Double Marker Test

In the previous blog, where I had mentioned missing the double marker test. I had let you all know briefly that it is important to get both the tests – double marker and the quadruple marker done. Since missing either of them would be a failure. I have been there and since missing one of these tests had not just led to listening to the scolding from my doctor but missing the result too. The quadruple marker test and the double marker test allows you to let you know whether the child is suffering from any genetic illness or not.

Importance of Double Marker Test

Well, this made me let to research more about the tests and why is it important? Therefore, I would like to share with you my experience of the same. Below are the basic questions that I had in my mind when I heard about these tests. So, here we go!

What is a Quadruple Marker Test?

This is a blood test that will provide you with information regarding the health of your child in a more in-depth result. This is a test that predicts any internal health issues or genetic disease occurring in the child growing within you. Now, to make it further clear, the quadruple test will let you know if there is a problem or not, it won’t diagnose the issue. For instance, when the cholesterol screening is done, it lets you know that you would be prone to a heart issue, however, it does not state that you have heart disease.

Therefore, the quadruple marker test helps in determining if a woman undergoing pregnancy is at a lower or higher risk of carrying the baby taking birth with a defect.

What is a Double Marker Test? 

Moving on to the double marker test, it is mainly to ensure whether the fetus of the woman has any chromosomal malformation. This test will help the doctor to convey whether there are any neurological conditions pertaining to the fetus like the down’s syndrome or Edward’s Syndrome.

When I had got to know about the tests from the doctor, I treated them as just any other tests. It was later that I got to know that these tests are very important, and they have a specific time period if you surpass that you won’t be able to get the tests done. This was the case that happened to me. I was not able to get it done because of the closure of the pathology and thereafter missing my date.

The chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus can get worse by developing deformities and this could lead to various health issues. This will worsen the condition after the child has taken birth. However, these deformities are the rarest of rare conditions.

Who is recommended to undergo the double marker and quadruple marker test?

The doctors recommend every lady who is expecting a child however, there is an option for you to skip it. Having said that if you fall in any of the following factors you are strongly recommended to consider taking the test:

  • Your age is 35 years plus when the baby is due
  • Any member of your family, genetically attached, has a history of genetic or birth defects
  • Your previous child was born with a birth defect
  • You have type 1 diabetes prior to your pregnancy

Please make sure you consider your doctor if you have any of the above-mentioned issues. I recommend you take the test as a person who has experienced it first-hand.

When Should You Get a Quad Marker Test?

After knowing about who must get the quadruple marker test you need to know that when is the time period to get it done.

The doctors prescribe that you should get the test done between the 15th and the 22nd week of the pregnancy. The test can be performed in the time period. However, it is mostly said to be performed between the 16th and 18th weeks.

What happens in a quadruple?

Now, a lot of my readers would have this one question. Does it let you know completely and accurately about the issues or is it just a chance? Well, I have similar queries and therefore, would like to share with you my readings. The problems are developed in the fetus’s brain and the spinal cord. There are called open neural tube defects. Also, the quadruple marker test can just predict approximately 80% of the defects.

The genetic disorders like the down syndrome or a chromosomal abnormality are namely some which can be identified by the quadruple marker test by 75% in the cases of the women who are under the age of 35 years, while 80% to those who are above the age of 35 years.

How are the Quadruple and the Double Marker test importance?

One will always question the importance of a test before taking one. However, the following are some aspects which make the quadruple and double marker test essential:

  • It helps in the assessment of certainty and uncertainty of any mental disorder to the unborn baby.
  • The primary importance of the tests lies in detecting the down’s syndrome.
  • The double marker test helps in detecting the Trisomy 18, which might result in mental retardation and other severe birth defects.
  • It helps in the detection of Trisomy 21 T, as it is one of the caused fir mental disorders, heart disorders, and other critical health conditions which affects vital organs.

What do you need to prepare for the test?

There is no specific preparation for the blood test that you need to perform. But in case if you are on any specific medication during your pregnancy, you will need to inform your doctor and consult him about it. In rarest cases, you might be told by the doctor to stop the medication until the test has been taken.

How much does the test cost?

It isn’t one of those costly tests however, the nominal charges for this test range somewhere between 2500 to 3000 INR.

So, these were some of the major and essential information about the quadruple and double marker tests. Please make sure you consult your doctor and also follow the time to take the test.

Third month of pregnancy – A crucial month to find out genetic abnormalities in fetus #Pregnancy-series

As addressed in the previous blog, I have decided to share my Pregnancy Stories, experiences, and everything related. My core idea to tell these stories is to share what I have gone through and to help anyone who needs it. Having said that I am well aware of the fact that each woman goes through different experiences. Each pregnancy is way different than others and that everyone goes through different complications, God forbid. But if anyone who relates to a similar condition they can easily go through my blog and seek help. So, in this blog, I will be speaking about the second and third month of pregnancy.

Why the second and third months together you ask? Well, these two months were a kind of mental recovery and taking care of months for me. However, there were a lot of realizations and mistakes I made even during these months, which I will be discussing in the latter part of the blog. However, these months were a continuous process, which you will realize by the end of the read below.

If you haven’t read my previous post, I will link it hereI have stated in this one that I have been going through complications because of Placenta Previa. Placenta Previa is a condition in pregnancy where the placenta grows in the lowest part of the womb that is the uterus. This covers the complete or a part of the cervix opening. The placenta grows during the pregnancy period and helps in feeding the baby. This causes bleeding or spotting.

Things I realized were reasons for my complications

I consulted my doctor as soon as I saw spotting and experienced complications during my first initial month. However, after having concerned my doctor, I realized two major things:

  • This was my second pregnancy
  • My age and pregnancy complications

Speaking about the first reason, it was my second child that I was expecting. I had psychologically back in my mind that since this is my second pregnancy, I am aware of the drill. Little did I know that there is a difference.

My second reason played a major role. A woman undergoes several changes from hormonal to genetics to physical during every sphere of her life. I am expecting my child at 35. There are a lot of changes I am going through apart from the mood swings. Secondly, my body has its own needs to be fulfilled along with the health of my child too.

These were the two major reasons I realized and shook hands with that I have to take care of myself. The carelessness of taking bumpy rickshaw rides, traveling to Europe, and playing Dandiya and Garba during my first months won’t work or help me in many ways. However, these were the ones that invited complications for me.

Major Mistake Made from My End:

There are certain tests that you have to get done when you are expecting your child. This is one fact each one of us is aware of and well-guided about. Apart from the sonography (USG) , there are certain reports and tests, which the doctor asks you to get done when you are expecting depending on the month.

Well, since it was my second and third month of pregnancy respectively, I had to get an NT Scan done.

Third month of pregnancy– What is an NT Scan?

An NT Scan is a very common screening that is to be done during the first trimester of the pregnancy. This is one test that helps in measuring the size of the clear tissue, which is called the nuchal translucency.

However, I got that test done. The mistake that was made from my end was that I did not get the Double marker test done. This is one of the most important tests for pregnant ladies above the age of 35 years. This test lets you know that there is no genetic issue with the child and he or she is perfectly fine.

How crucial is Double Marker test?

The story goes such that the day I was scheduled for my double marker test, I was late in reaching the pathology and it was closed. And therefore, I missed two more days because of this, followed by dusheera, the alb was closed. I thought will go after 2 days. little i did know that this can’t be done after 14 week. I have written complete post on double marker test but for time being double marker test is done to determine any chromosomal malformation in the fetus.  The issue was that the NT Scan was to be referred along with the double marker test. Since I missed this test, I lost the chance to find out genetic issues till 19 th week of pregnancy as I will have to quadruple marker test.  Keeping positive  in mind, we waited for 19 Th week.

But my doctor literally shouted at me saying that how can be this careless and I should not have missed the double marker test. It was an important test in order to know that if there is any genetic disorder in the child. Because of the pregnancy as I mentioned, I was being lazy and this made me miss the test, which was a huge mistake.

However, later on, when it was week 18 and 19, I was supposed to get done quadruple marker test and anomaly scan, which I did on time. This is a test that should be done in order to prevent any kind of genetic disorder in the kid.  Do read my next blog on what happened in my Quadruple marker test as it was not expected as I wanted.

All that I went through during the first trimester

In the early and mid-second trimester, I used to get spotting early morning. However, by the first trimester, it stopped. This spotting was all because of the placenta previa.

There were several reasons that accounted for all the carelessness or mistakes that were made.

Expecting my second child and between that, I have to also give time to my first child, as she is now in second grade. She has to be sent to school, taught at home as I take care of her studies.

  • Secondly, the other thing accounted for in this way that we are getting our new home constructed. This is also taking our time.
  • Thirdly, the Europe trip, I will definitely be writing about it on my blog. However, shopping for the trip, preparing for it and everything else made me physically tired and exhausted.

All these accumulated in the exertion and exhausting my body physically. However, when I told my doctor about it, she told me that internally everything is perfectly fine, there is no issue or problem with the child growing in me or with my body.

Along with it, I myself felt a tad bit better than the first two initial months by the time the third month has begun. There was lesser spotting, I would not say lesser mood swings and laziness, however, it did improve to some extent.

All you must take care of in the third month of pregnancy

As I have been saying since my first blog that the aim of writing these blogs and publishing them is to help women to learn from the mistakes I have done. The third month of pregnancy as said is a crucial stage, people do not even tell a lot of their relatives and closed ones that they are expecting until they have crossed the third month.

The following are my learning till third month of pregnancy
  • Take a lot of care of yourself. Do not only depend on the others to remind you about your medicines (if any) or eating habits. Since I had only 8 hemoglobin , my folic acid and Iron tablets were really crucial. But when you have so many complications in your life, you gotta forget medicines. And more thing Never Take the calcium and IRON TABLETS together, as they both interfere in their absorption in blood. so always keep a gap of 5 hours between two medicines.
  • Do not miss any tests told by the doctor, these are important and there are time periods fixed for them. If you miss one day you might not be allowed to take the test any further.
  • Try not to physically exhaust your body.
  • Also If you are going thru many complications, don’t do exercise at all, until your doctor advises you.

I hope these are going to help you a lot and I will be back again with the blog on compulsory or mandatory test to be done during pregnancy. And let you know what all I went through and what were the better signs I was able to witness.

Disclaimer: These are my personal experience and may not be applicable to any one else.