

Top 8 Quintessential Good Habits for Kids and Ways to Develop Them


From practicing how to write ABC to educating how to behave, parents have taught us everything. That’s why they are contemplated to be the creator of the environments and diverse experiences, where we, as a child, tend to absorb different things. Parents are the greatest teachers that the children will ever have. So, before imbuing with good habits in kids try to readjust them beforehand, as children are a large reflection of their parents. They will learn what they see. Adoption of good manners in kids will help them to cultivate a good character within themselves. I can truly connect with different parents on how they grapple with kids while teaching some healthy habits. But, I have found a way out for the growth of excellent habits in your kids. So, here is the list of good habits that every child should have. So, get ready to learn how to develop these habits in your kids.  To know More about good habits for kids Read Further.


  1. Guide them to be polite to adults or everyone around them.


Saying thank you and you’re welcome won’t cause any harm but it truly reveals the way you have raised your kids. Displaying utter respect to the elder people and younger siblings is a sign of practiced civility. Personally I have taught Angel to always speak golden words like sorry ,thank-you, and welcome.


How to develop it:


Ask your child to drop a” thank you” or “welcome” note once they are content with the service of anyone. Teach them to assist people who enter your home by asking, “Would like to have a glass of water?” or “May I take your bags off?”. Tell them to open the doors for their peers, elders, parents or any stranger who needs assistance.


  1. b) Promote a habit of physical exercise and eating healthy food items.


You will never want your child to be a couch potato. Well, no one does. So, you need to tell them to embrace healthy habits of consuming green vegetables and associating in any physical games or exercise for at least an hour daily.  But if you have heavy weight kid and still active, don’t worry they look cuter. Don’t make them feel ashamed of their body, says you look cute but you need to be more fitter by avoiding junk.

How to develop it:


Here’s how you can develop healthy habits in your kids. Experiment with healthy recipes for your kids which provide wholesome nutrients to their body. Never encourage them to skip breakfast or hogging on junk food. Schedule a regular exercise or a fun sport with the family.

  1. c) Prop up the habit of reading books or even studying the labels of any food packets.

Reading is deemed to be one of the best habits in kids. It has the endowment to enlighten your kids at an early stage. And, reading the product’s information will benefit them to know the used ingredients, date of manufacture or even date of expiry, which we often neglect at grocery stores. Right?

How to develop it:

Gift them a bunch of books according to their interest and ask them questions which makes them inquisitive about browsing new books. Such questions like, “What do you like about the book?” or “Which is your favorite character from the story?” Also, try to tell them your own evaluations which will help to evolve the communication between the family members. Take your child to shop for groceries and ask them to read the labels and check out the other ingredients as well. 

  1. d) Let them know the significance behind “Sharing is Caring”

Throughout our childhood, our parents are teaching us the greatness of sharing. So, it is imperative to tell the new generation as well. This might sound a little cliche but trust me it will be absolutely appreciated in the future.

How to develop it:


Incite them to share their most prized possession with their siblings or a group of friends. The prized possession can be a new set of colorful sketch pens or their favorite food item. It will help them to be kind and generous.

  1. e) Refrain them to use digital screens for longer durations of hours.


Be it video games or internet games, these screens are not only harming their eyes but also abstaining them to go out and relish the game with their friends. I know, it is really difficult to tame kids to stay away from them. Their eyes are glued with the screen for consecutive hours. Well, I am in the same boat too. But, I have found this solution.

How to develop it:

Keep them out of reach of mobile phone or videos games from them or you can also schedule a fixed number of hours to play with it. You can also play offline games at home with your kids and suggest your family to partake in the game too.

  1. f) Make a rule to have lunch and dinner with the family at the dining table.

Most of the kids prefer to watch TV or indulge in some unnecessary activities while having their meals.  Well, it is not an acceptable habit but the best part is that you can improve it at the initial level.

How to develop it:

Set up the lunch and dinner on the dining table. Try to bring some interesting conversation on the table. This will help to make a great family bond and also exhibit good manners in kids.

  1. g) Telling them the importance of personal and oral hygiene to your munchkins

Your child might not fancy brushing up their teeth early in the morning. But trust me changing to a cute little toothbrush or a toothpaste might not help to make a huge impact, just like shown in the mundane advertisement. Don’t fret, I am here to help you out.

How to develop it:

Tell them the importance of oral hygiene and how it can influence their teeth if it is not done properly. Ask them to take the shower every other day. Prompt them to wash their hands before and after every meal.

  1. h) Direct them to focus on their mental health and engage in mental fitness activities.

It is the last point and the most overlooked one too. Just like a body, the mind demands to be treated with healthy things like love, care, and other positive emotions.

How to develop it:

It is essential that you and your child should trust each other. Ask them about their day or the activities they have performed in school. Try to address your child’s issues positively as well as practically.

Parents are the role model of a child’s life. So, a parent is wholly responsible for all the good and bad deeds performed by their child. If you want your child to foster these good habits, then it is necessary to start with yourself. Never force them to follow anything blindly. Try to give them facts, educate them about the pros and cons and moreover listen to their side of the story as well. Inspire them to be the best of the version of themselves.


Snehalata Jain, Mother, Lifestyle blogger, Traveler, Foodie and has a knack of parental advice. She loves to travel with her family and especially her daughter angel so that she can teach her kid the real life experience. A Micro Biologist and lecturer by profession, a full time mother and blogger by choice. She is a social media pro since 2012 handling over 100 profiles till now. Stepping to blog was her decision when she realized that whatever you do or experience, documentation makes it authentic. She loves photography and traveling and creating unique recipes which are healthy and tasty. She writes what she experience during her trips. About Blogsikka : It was just a quick decision to make my lifestyle blog , while searching for blog name. I wanted a name which is not related to specific things as my life is so dynamic that I can’t stick to one thing. I love travelling and eat delicacies from around the world. My love doesn’t stop here , infact I love to cook delicious thing which I see during my trips and replicate at home. Blogsikka is all about my own experiences of life and i write whatever i experience. And my backbone support is my husband DILKHUSH SHAH who is chartered accountant by profession and a hard core traveler by passion. He is the reason behind my all trips. DO FOLLOW MY BLOG : and my all social media tabs


  1. Ruchi Verma Reply

    I agree for developing good habits we must make rules and all should follow…I really loved the tips !!

  2. These are some amazing tips, I follow most of them and i should say it is totally worth it. We also follow the mantra “Sharing is Caring”

  3. Sarah Shaikh Reply

    Truly great tips and so helpful for all the Parent out there.Loved reading it.

  4. Great tips. I liked the fact that you have not just spoken about various ways to develop good habits , but also shared tips on how to go about it. Basic ettiquets like asking for a glass of water, being polite etc are important

  5. Very very informative and useful post for all parents. Physical activities, mental health and sharing and politeness is something we also consciously work towards with her. Meal times together alas no longer happen because we all do early suppers and I eat by 530-6, Karma eats by 630 and my husband by 7-730 due to difference in work and day care timings. We don’t want to compromise on early dinners as its a healthier habit and also gives us time together as a family to read and play before her bed time at 830-9.

  6. Jhilmil D Saha Reply

    These are some great tips to develop good habits in kids.

  7. Good habits in kids are very important and it depends a lot on parents. These are some great pointers for kids to follow.

  8. This is such a well written and researched piece. Inculcating eating healthy habits is important similarly less screen time and being respectful to elders are veru good habits

  9. Inculcating habits like being respectful to elders, maintaining personal hygiene or eating with family will definitely help bring up well-behaved kids.

  10. Great tips. Every parent wants to inculcate good habits in kids but we often miss the right way of doing it. Good to come across this post and learn some new tips.

  11. Papri Ganguly Reply

    You have shared some amazing tips for kids to grow healthy habits. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  12. Its a must read the post. I am happy that you have mentioned these wonderful habits and ways to develop them in kids as well.

  13. these are absolutely good tips you have mentioned. I do a lot of these things with my son. Physical excercise, outdoor play, reading habits etc.

  14. Kim Paradise - MumFLIX Reply

    These are some great tips you’ve shared, I totally agree with having meals together as a family at the dining table as a very important habit and also teaching our kids how to read the labels of products… These are very important and thanks for the reminder..
    Kim Paradise – MumFLIX

  15. Reading and healthy eating and exercise are important habits in our family too.Thanks for sharing

  16. Naseer Shaikh Reply

    This a great topic and truly amazing tips mentioned in detail by you.It’s a responsibility of all Parents to introduce these good habits in our growing up kids.

  17. these are very good tips you have mentioned here. Parenting a big job and instilling good habits in a kid is a big responsibility of parents. I am trying to do a lot of things with my son so that he grows up to be a good man.

  18. Cultivating good habits needs a role model and proper guidance. I like how you not only mentioned the habits buts also shared tips on them.

  19. i like this article since u have not only mentioned about the good habits but described the ways too to develop them. Good one.

  20. Ruchi Verma Reply

    It’s a great article I came across today..we only need to teach kids how to inbuild happy and good habits… Very nice tips

  21. Excellent tips. Really liked how you shared examples of how to develop a particular habit in kids after each point .

  22. These are some pointers that I also take care as a parent. Completely agree with your post that parents need to inculcate good habits to children and as early it is done it is good.

  23. You have shared really good points Sneha.. We parents should teach all these good habits to our kids ..

  24. I also follow these for my kid and these are really helpful for their proper character development.

  25. Thanks for sharing this with me, it’s really important to make them understand what the right way to behave with everyone

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