
3L’s of an Effective Parenting

Becoming a parent ensures you that you’ll make mistakes. Isn’t it? But your goal is to try to be the ideal parent. There is no perfect word when you say parenting, but you should be an effective parent. I have already shared many tips for effective parenting starting from A with #BlogChatterAtoZ Challenge. So, today I will be revealing the tips with the Alphabet L, 3L’s of an Effective Parenting. Let us learn together how to be a good parent.

Love them Unconditionally

Loving unconditionally means showing your child that you are accepting them the way they are. When your child will feel absolute love then he’ll be more likely to blossom and won’t hesitate in sharing something with you. The unconditional love between you and your children will make your bond more solid. Never underestimate them and appreciate their weakness, you can turn their insecurities into their strength. The love of parents makes the child feel secure and accepted. Love your child unconditionally no matter what!

Leisure Time is essential

Leisure time means to serve your child as a parent. Activities with your kid are important. You know your child better than anyone else, so communicate with them, help them and play with them. Try to learn together and teach them wherever they are going wrong. Spending time with your kids is important. Spend some good time with them and make sure to teach them about new challenges and ideas.

Be Loyal

Loyalty is important for your kids. It teaches them to keep their word and surround them with positivity. Loyalty is an attachment that results in actions towards each other. Make them understand that loyalty is not only protects the connection but also strengthens them. Don’t compare your child and prioritize them. Teach your child to serve one another. Let them learn why loyalty matters and how it brings a major impact in life.


So we have discussed a lot about being an effective parent. These three L’s will help you to be a good parent. I hope your learning will give you a fruitful result. Stay tuned with me for more tips on how to be an effective parent. If you have any doubts then you can drop a comment.

Also Read, 3K’s of an Effective Parenting

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