
Xmas Tree Cards With Kids

I know that December is still 8 months away to prepare for Christmas. But, still, we can learn and develop new skills, isn’t it? Not only do you make Xmas Tree Cards with your kids but also other cards you can make with your kids too, it’s just a matter of creativity. 

To fill your lockdown time with some fun-filled activities, I have participated in the AtoZ Blogging Challenge with #BlogChatterA2Z and the topic is the list of fun activities to do with your kids during the quarantine period. 

And, the alphabet for today’s blog starts with the letter ‘X’. And X for Xmas Tree Cards with Kids. 

Xmas Tree Cards With KidsEveryone is spending their time painting, sketching or drawing, you can also take out some time and make some creative Xmas tree cards with your kids. 

For most of the cards that I have made on the theme of Xmas, I have taken their inspiration from Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram as well. 

Why Xmas Tree Cards With Kids?

Greeting cards plays a special role whenever it comes to gifting. And, when the card is handmade then it is priceless for the receiver. There are other festivals where you give cards to your loved ones but we have chosen Christmas because my daughter loves making cards on Christmas day for her friends. 

So, that’s why we thought that it would be a great idea to try out different kinds of Xmas Tree Cards during this lockdown period. 

Material Required for the Xmas Tree Cards With Kids

In this blog, we are just going to make one kind of Xmas Tree Card with Kids. And, the materials required for the card are a green coloured paper (for the tree), a red-coloured paper (for the background to give Chrismacy vibes), different coloured papers, fevicol and a pair of scissors. 

How to do “Xmas Tree Cards With Kids” 

It is a very simple and super easy Xmas Tree Card that I have made with my daughter. I have taken the reference from YouTube and here’s the complete video. 

You can watch and practice the step by step process of making Xmas tree cards with your kids. I have made other Xmas Tree Cards as well if you want me to make a video on all those cards, then please let me know in the comment section below. 

Key Learnings 

It helps to evoke the emotions of gifting towards their friends and family. The amount of hard work and emotions that goes behind making a handmade card is precious. 

My Overall Experience

Angel and I had a great time by making a lot of different Xmas tree themed cards. It was such a fun and creative day. 

So, try out this activity with your kids too, and don’t forget to share the experience in the comment section below. If possible, you can also share the pictures of your Xmas tree shaped cards that you have made with your kids and tag me, @sneha_261013 on Instagram. 

Blogchattera2ZAnd stay tuned for the next activity from the alphabet, ‘Y’! Can you guess it?

Also, Read the article of W for Watch a Movie with Kids

Xmas Tree Cards With Kids | AtoZ Blogging Challenge #BlogchatterA2Z
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Xmas Tree Cards With Kids | AtoZ Blogging Challenge #BlogchatterA2Z
Everyone is spending their time painting, sketching or drawing, you can also take out some time and make some creative Xmas tree cards with kids. 
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Snehalata Jain, Mother, Lifestyle blogger, Traveler, Foodie and has a knack of parental advice. She loves to travel with her family and especially her daughter angel so that she can teach her kid the real life experience. A Micro Biologist and lecturer by profession, a full time mother and blogger by choice. She is a social media pro since 2012 handling over 100 profiles till now. Stepping to blog was her decision when she realized that whatever you do or experience, documentation makes it authentic. She loves photography and traveling and creating unique recipes which are healthy and tasty. She writes what she experience during her trips. About Blogsikka : It was just a quick decision to make my lifestyle blog , while searching for blog name. I wanted a name which is not related to specific things as my life is so dynamic that I can’t stick to one thing. I love travelling and eat delicacies from around the world. My love doesn’t stop here , infact I love to cook delicious thing which I see during my trips and replicate at home. Blogsikka is all about my own experiences of life and i write whatever i experience. And my backbone support is my husband DILKHUSH SHAH who is chartered accountant by profession and a hard core traveler by passion. He is the reason behind my all trips. DO FOLLOW MY BLOG : and my all social media tabs

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