Fun day at Timezone in Malad

Today’s kids are more inclined to stay indoors watching TV and playing computer games but going out to play is a big boo boo for them. In our times we wanted to leave our houses as soon as we get chances to explore more and play outside but today’s generation is all stuck up with screen time. This makes them more lazy that is what hitting me up. I don’t want my daughter to be in the same situation all the time. Solution to this was given to me by next generation Timezone at Inorbit malad, when I visited with family, to my surprised I found to be a new and refurbished Avtar of Timezone Malad called as ‘NextGenTimezone‘ My daughter is bit lazy when it comes to play outdoor games but the vibrant feel of Timezone thrilled her so much that she played each game out of it. She was eager to play every possible game she could, af-course with dad and mum. The best part is that kids have so many options which enhances their imagination and improve their creativity and decision-making skills. In all, complete development of personality using games, what could anyone ask for more.
Must play Games at Timezone in Malad
The best game I think was, a Virtual Rabbids which has been launched newly in the Timezone Malad and the Krazee Whirls cars which is the next generation of dashing cars at Malad Timezone. Hence, thinking power of the kid is developing along with their motor skills, learning skills. The kids imagination level reaches into a new world so that they can create new stories out of it virtual reality. Virtual rabbids makes you feel everything comes alive close to your eyes like a sea monster gulping you down or roller coaster ride dumping you to the cave. The fantasy land is just out of the box. Other than this other exciting games were Bowling, zombie snatchers, Camel ride, diamond snatchers and many more. Timezone has been built with International standards so that any one who visit in Timezone feels the same excitement like a kid.
Get reward for every game you play
We played the lot of games which were rewarded us with tickets and with this tickets you can redeem any toys from store in timezone, depending on points you cover. The best game for adults as well as kids which I liked most was bowling . With 4 lanes and narrow alleys you are good to hit turkey every time. We scored 97 points and won the match. The other game which was super exciting was the Camel Ride game in which the six players plays together and whose camel go first will be the winner. and one out of it wins a soft toys . Also games like spin the wheel, grab the diamonds and many more games which we played are amazing. That’s how we had a Happy Family day at Timezone in Malad, so if you haven’t been and visited the place you must visit and enjoy all the games.
What else at Timezone in Malad
The new rides, the new revamp look is surely gonna make you crazy. Timezone Malad is located on the top floor which is attached to the food joint so if your child is feeling hungry you can go, eat out and come back and play. The facility of ticketing is very simple. The staff and the service is very good. The staff was always there to help me out so that I can understand the game principles and then play lot of games with Teddy bears, Diamond Games and Cricket crawling and guess what, we played and won jackpot too. Don,t miss to redeem your tickets for timezone merchandise and get spoiled for choices . Moreover you have a special place for birthday celebration and gatherings. So I would really recommend if you are in Mumbai then you must visit Timezone, Malad and book your party and enjoy like kid again.
Watch the video of fun we had at Timezone Malad :
I’ve shared my experience at the revamped Timezone Inorbit Malad in association with BlogAdda“
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Wow there are so many activities and fun games to keep kids engaged in at the play zone. Definitely looks like a place kids will have a gala time.
This is one happening place where we can hang out with kids for hours. I will take my kids for sure ….Thanks for sharing
playzone seems full of fun and I am sure you and kid has great time together in Timezone.
keep up Good work
Gurjeet Chhabra
We had a ball at Timezone, this is definitely one of the best gaming places in Western suburbs.
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Looks like so much fun, I sure am checking out this place, next time I am in Mumbai.
Virtual rabbids is definitely the best one! But the camel ride sounds interesting! I would love to take a ride too! 😀 loved the concept of rewards too
This place looks fun. Me and my daughter can spend hours there.
The play zone looks so funfull. The best place to spend time with kids.
We visited time zone last weekend with friends and cousins, it was so much fun, loved the good and fun time there