Showcase your Kid’s Creative Skills with GlobalShala
Are you looking for your young genius to let his/her creative juices flow? Do you want to showcase your kid’s creative skills and lead a positive impact on the world? Do you want them to become the next big socio-preneur?
Enter – SuperHero U by GlobalShala. Before you ask, let me give you a bit of insight into GlobalShala. It is an Edtech startup that connects affordable educational opportunities to students who are aiming for international education.
About Superhero U

GlobalShala is inviting all young and bright minds to showcase their creative skills and win prizes up to $90,000 through its unique SuperHero U competition, along with a chance to fly to UN New York. Yes, you read that right. The contest is open to two categories: Junior (participants up to 18 years) and Senior (19 – 25 years).
Why should your child participate?
Not only your child will get a platform to showcase their creative best, but will also be rewarded with exciting prizes of up to $90,000 for winning. Along with that, there are internships, scholarships, gadgets, gift-cards, educational sponsored travel, and many such opportunities in store.
How to Participate?
GlobalShala lets you participate in this competition as an individual or a team. Participation is accepted in Single, a team of 4, a High School, or a College.
SuperHero U is particularly based on 4 elements: Imagine, Innovate, Illustrate and Inspire. As simple as these words sound, there’s more to each of them. Here goes:
- Imagine: As you know, the world is facing a lot of crises. Through SuperHero U, participants can take any real-world problems mentioned in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and then imagine what superpowers will help to eliminate that particular problem.
- Innovate: Now, that the real-world problem is chosen, it’s time to innovate and create a unique superhero with special powers to overcome the challenge.
- Illustrate: After designing the superhero, express him/her in the form of a comic strip, video, video game, photo collage, or a short animated film to depict your superhero’s mission.
- Inspire: Explain how your superhero has used those special superpowers to make the world a better place.
And remember, your contribution to this competition must highlight UNSDG themes such as People, Planet, Partnership, Prosperity, and Peace.
So, let me know in the comments section if your little innovator would be participating in SuperHero U to make the world a better place.

Wow! Seems like a very interesting competition for kids! I will ensure that my kids participate. Thank you for this one.
Recently, I read about it and was very. happy to know about the concept. This generation kids need such exposure where they can use their creativity and skills.
It seems like a very interesting contest for kids. Even though the prizes are good it would be fun just participating too.
A great platform for kids to explore the creativity… And yes we have to encourage kids for this nice informative post
I recently got to know about this and it seems a perfect way for kids to showcase their talent and skills!!
I just loved the unique concept of this competition. indeed a great way to enhance creativity and imagination power. will check out details for sure.
This is such a fantastic competition for kids to showcase their creative skills and win prizes too. I really liked this innovative idea by Global Shala to host a Superhero U competition for kids.
I am hearing a lot about this, this contest will bring out creativity and imaginative power of a kid and will be lot of fun as well. Will share this with my friends thanks a lot for sharing.
I am hearing a lot about this, this contest will bring out creativity and imaginative power of a kid and will be lot of fun as well. Will share this with my friends thanks a lot for sharing.
This sounds like a fantastic opportunity for kids to explore their creative side. I am sure my nephew will love taking part in this activity.
This unique competition is new to me. It is such a happy feeling to see the way kids are getting exposure these days , to showcase their innovative thoughts.
Just the best contest around for kids of all ages. A very unique concept, something every kid aspires to draw.
This is really cool way to participate and demonstrate the creative side of kids. Getting away from curriculum and exploring the imagination is what childhood is all about.
I have heard a lot about how fun this contest i going to be, perfect to showcase their talent and imagination. I am sure my son will love to participate next year
This sounds like a good contest for kids to use their imagination and display their creativity. I would like my son to participate.
read about it at afew other places too, looks like a very interesting competition. the prize money is too good to believe, n i loved the theme too.
Yeah we are already planning to take part in this. Have yet to show it to my kids. I plan to make a superhero with both my little ones’ inputs.
This looks like an interesting contest for kids. This is perfect to improve their imagination skills and who really doesnt like a superhero. We are big superhero buffs!
Heard a lot about Superhero U Competition. Indeed a good way to motivate and paving way for imagination and creativity in kids
This is an interesting contest to improve kids thinking and imagination skill. I loved it .very nice concept.
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