
Should You Hire a Disk Jockey for Weddings in Grand Rapids Michigan?

a professional wedding disk jocke
The short answer is, yes, if you want to, or yes, if you are not able to afford a band. The longer answer is, it really depends on your personal preferences, your budget, and your spatial and temporal resources. Finding the right answer, however, involves a fair bit more thinking.  Professional wedding disk jockey can bring a good change.

Your wedding is a very special day that you want to fill with wonderful memories whether it be the first or the third such event in your life. So, quite understandably, even if you have been married before, you are going to obsess over every single detail. In fact, planning a wedding is such a stressful business that there have been studies done about it, which you can learn a little more about at this link.

In planning your reception, music is one of the most essential elements. It can completely make or break the atmosphere! If the reception could wear a white dress of its own, then the music program would be the flower petals that gets sprinkled all over it. So, we had a little chat with the wedding experts of Grand Rapids, who are  professional wedding disk jockey and we asked them for help in solving the eternal conundrum: should you hire a band or a disk jockey?

Before you choose, eliminate the DIY option.

Seriously, if you were considering this scenario, throw it right out the window and put a safety screen in place. And then run electricity through it. A DIY music arrangement can be very appealing because it costs next to nothing, but you will pay for it in ways other than money.

The first big problem is, who would manage your playlist? You would have to place the responsibility on a member of your bridal party, or a member of the family. Either option is totally unfair–they are guests too and should have the chance to enjoy the event as much as the next person, instead of slaving away at a laptop or iPod.

The second problem is the playlist itself. Are you seriously going to have a Spotify wedding? Nope and nope. Imagine a slow ballad suddenly coming up just when everyone is pumped for the dance floor. Imagine if the music loads or freezes. You need a living person who can read the mood and play the appropriate track at every moment. And you need your announcements done right! A random amateur will simply not suffice.

What are the pros and cons of hiring a professional band for weddings?

Having a live band play at your wedding will always give you a more traditional feel even if they play something like pop-rock. After all, even your great-grandmother probably had a string quartet or something.

On that note, do you know why you always hear the exact same march at every single wedding ever? Read the curious story at this link:

When choosing a band, you need to consider the size of the venue–they have to have a comfortable amount of space to play effectively, and it directly influences the acoustics as well. Moreover, accomplished musicians can really add a dose of “epic-ness” to your reception by instantly adjusting to the mood, and everyone loves getting their requests performed.

The most obvious con to this idea is the cost factor. A live performance by an actual band strains the budget more than a round with a disk jockey. Moreover, the variety of available music will be severely limited, no matter how talented these musicians are. No band plays every genre and every era, and your guests are bound to have different tastes in music, which can grow into a problem on the big day.

What are the pros and cons of hiring a professional wedding disk jockey?

First off, they are fairly easy to find. You can just Google sites like “Grand Rapids DJ website” and get a whole list of pros to consult, so a little local searching can get you an awesome entertainer in next to zero time. Moreover, a  professional wedding disk jockey is much more flexible than a band in terms of setup. As long as there are sockets nearby, a DJ station can be up and running in minutes. Some venues even have an appropriate sound system in place in advance. DJs or professional wedding disk jockeyare versatile, being able to play a much wider array of tunes than a band and can be your master of ceremonies at the same time. Plus, a disk jockey is typically the cheaper option.

Some downsides are that a “new” jockey has high chances of giving a poor performance due to inexperience, while a well-established one with a good reputation will cost you significantly more. And of course, there is the inevitable risk of technical mishaps, from connectivity issues, through cable damage, to a device simply dying for no reason.
Be quick, but be smart with your choice
To make the best choice, do your proper research. Consider your personal style, the kind of theme you are going for, and the prevalent music tastes of your guests. Factor in your budget, the venue size and architecture, and the schedule–good performers of either variety often have to be booked well in advance! On a final note, always do a background check on them – what experience they have, and what their reputation is like.


Snehalata Jain, Mother, Lifestyle blogger, Traveler, Foodie and has a knack of parental advice. She loves to travel with her family and especially her daughter angel so that she can teach her kid the real life experience. A Micro Biologist and lecturer by profession, a full time mother and blogger by choice. She is a social media pro since 2012 handling over 100 profiles till now. Stepping to blog was her decision when she realized that whatever you do or experience, documentation makes it authentic. She loves photography and traveling and creating unique recipes which are healthy and tasty. She writes what she experience during her trips. About Blogsikka : It was just a quick decision to make my lifestyle blog , while searching for blog name. I wanted a name which is not related to specific things as my life is so dynamic that I can’t stick to one thing. I love travelling and eat delicacies from around the world. My love doesn’t stop here , infact I love to cook delicious thing which I see during my trips and replicate at home. Blogsikka is all about my own experiences of life and i write whatever i experience. And my backbone support is my husband DILKHUSH SHAH who is chartered accountant by profession and a hard core traveler by passion. He is the reason behind my all trips. DO FOLLOW MY BLOG : and my all social media tabs


  1. Can’t agree more. Good music creates an ambiance. A DJ can use his skills and have playlists handy. Diy DJ is quite a pain when someone demands a song and it’s not there.

  2. Sarah Shaikh Reply

    I totally agree about hiring a DJ for Weddings/Functions instead of assigning the task to any family member and spoiling their fun time.

  3. Papri Ganguly Reply

    My sister’s wedding is around the corner and she wants a jockey for that evening party. Hope this post would help her a lot.

  4. Yes disc Jockeys are quite a rage even in India. Though we never really had bands play. Except of course in the baraat… Which is totally different.

  5. Hiring disc jockeys in marriages are quite in trend right now and i love it some where. It adds the extra tadka in all functions.

  6. You are right, hiring a professional DJ solves half the worries of keeping guests engaged and make the wedding memorable with nice music and creating perfect mood for everyone.

  7. Good music is key to a fab ambience and mood especially in a wedding where the memories are for a lifetime. Definitely would hire a Dj for the same

  8. Oh yes, good music creates a beautiful ambience, especially for a wedding. And even though I’m a DIY’er, I also do not think diy ing would be a good idea!

  9. Our wedding in West Bengal has more traditional ceremonies where the music is a big part. These are great tips indeed

  10. I’m always confused about this hiring a DJ for functions. This post clears many doubts

  11. My cousin wedding is around the corner, I am going to share this with her as she would love to know more about it

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