
3F’s of Effective Parenting

We are here again with the A to Z challenge by #BlogChatterA2Z. You might have gone through the previous article that we have covered on effective parenting. So, now it is the time to reveal about the alphabet F that will help you to be an effective parent. I know you all are super excited to know about the 3F’s, so you don’t have to wait much to learn about the 3F’s of effective parenting.


Let’s discuss the important parenting F’s that makes you a good parent.


It is about being firm with your decision for your child. We all want the best for our kids. Isn’t it? What about accurate parenting? Firm parenting creates an essence of balance. Parenting helps your child to learn about containment and limits. Parents have to make a reasonable and predictable way to understand how far the limits can be stretched and when the limits are strictly enforced.


Another essential key for effective parenting is to be “Fair”. Teach your children about the concept of “Fairness”. Helping them understand being fair is an important part of growing up and practising empathy. How to treat people equally? Make them learn about being fair and unfair. This will help your kid to understand the concept of fairness, equality, and intense emotions. Make them learn about being fair with everyone, teach them about being honest, and not to discriminate.


Being friends with your kids will not only help them to trust you but you will be the first person they will reach out to whenever they are feeling happy or sad. Also, teach your kids to be good friends with people around them. Being too strict and bossy around your children will not help them to open up.

Never try too hard to be their friends give them their own space. Let them take their own decision. Obviously, you need to be there by their side. But let them breathe and let them grow their wings so that they can fly high.

These three F’s of effective parenting will help you be a good parent. Stay tuned for the next Alphabet with me in the A to Z challenge by #BlogChatterA2Z.

Also Read, 3E’s of Effective Parenting

3F’s of Effective Parenting | Quick Parenting Tips | #BlogChatterA2Z
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3F’s of Effective Parenting | Quick Parenting Tips | #BlogChatterA2Z
Parenting plays important role in your child's overall growth. So here are 3F's of effective parenting that will make you a good parent.
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