

vitamin rich food


Boost Immunity in Indian Kids 

Is your kid falling ill constantly? In spite of giving medicines, is he or she taking a long time to recover? Well, the root of this problem is a lack of immunity. A list of proper nutrients is important for immunity in Indian kids. We have heard that food is as effective as medicine in gaining proper strength and immunity. A lot of researchers have proven that a human’s defense system is activated by the proper intake of food.

PediaSure- Boost Immunity in Indian KidsWith the occurrence of new diseases, kids with lower immunity are more prone to getting affected by these diseases. The food that we eat is also many times contaminated or adulterated with impure substances. As parents, we want to protect our children always even from small bruises. But, are we taking effective measures to address this concern? 

Here is a list of important nutrients that can boost immunity in Indian kids:

  • Calcium

We all know that Calcium is a mineral that helps to promote strong bones and teeth in a kid’s growing years. The calcium gets absorbed in the bones and makes them stronger. The amount of calcium absorbed is dependent on the amount of calcium consumed by the child. 

Broccoli, cabbages, nuts and dairy products are some superfoods that are rich in calcium.

  • Protein 

Protein plays an important role in building and repairing the tissues in our kid’s body. Every kid requires approximately 1 gram of protein per kg which roughly calculated as 18 grams – 25 grams of protein per day (it is dependent upon their total weight)

Legumes, nuts, seafood, lean meat, and eggs are some superfoods that are rich in protein.

  • Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are responsible for providing energy to the body’s cells. The body breaks down the carbs into simple sugars and they circulate through the bloodstream. Due to carbohydrates, kids stay super energetic throughout the day. 

Fruits, leafy vegetables, beans and bread (or chapatis) are some superfoods that are rich in carbohydrates.

  • Iron 

Iron is a super essential part of the kid’s meal. This nutrient helps the oxygen to move from the lungs to the other parts of the body. The muscles store the oxygen and use it for proper functioning. Deficiency of iron is very common in kids and can lead to serious diseases. 

Tofu, beans, peas, leafy vegetables, dried fruits, cereals and bread are some superfoods that are rich in iron. 

I know, you might be thinking that it would be great if we can find one superfood that contains all these nutrients for building immunity. And, here’s one brand that I recommend to every mother:

How PediaSure Can Help Boost Immunity in Indian Kids?

Believe it or not, PediaSure is infused with all the above nutrients along with Zinc, Phosphorus, Vitamin C, E Pre & Probiotic, Selenium, Copper and more nutrients that help in proper growth and increment in kid’s immunity. Apart from the nutrients it has high-quality protein that supports muscle development as well.

PediaSure is a nutritional supplement recommended by world-class pediatricians as it provides balanced nutrition in children from the age of 2 years and above. 

There’s certainly no reason to decline the goodness in the jar!  Even if your child is a fussy eater and tends to reject nutritious food based on their color or taste, they would love to drink it for its taste the way you would love to give PediaSure to them for its nutrition.

Has PediaSure helped Enhance My Child’s Immunity?

I have written a lot of blog posts about my experience with PediaSure. I have been happier with the results provided by this product. It has provided my daughter with every kind of nutrient that assists her in growth, immunity, and strength. 

I am so delighted that I made the right choice with PediaSure to enhance my daughter’s immunity. I suggest all mothers out there to give it a try. I am sure you will never regret it. 

If you’ve tried it, you can share your experience in the comments section below. 

Also, Read on Make your Kids Summer ready with Pediasure.

Food to Eat During Pregnancy

People are always heard saying that pregnancy is an experience, which completes a woman. Entering motherhood is one of the most beautiful feelings. Then after a woman has conceived the child and it is growing in her womb the reality check happens. However, what is told latter is the most important part. Undoubtedly, becoming a mother is an emotion one cannot explain in mere words. Bringing a soul into life is nothing less than magic. I am expecting my second child and I am sharing my experiences of each month in my pregnancy diaries. I have been given a list of food to eat during pregnancy, especially the first and second trimester.

food to eat during pregnancy

There are a lot of things that revolve around pregnancy. One of the major advises given by doctors, relatives, and everyone around you is that you must take care of yourself and eat healthily. As said my diet in the first month was very abrupt and inaccurate, if you may call so. I did not feel like eating anything. There were fewer cravings to eat food than to not eat. In addition to it, there are a lot of changes my body and routine is going through. One of them being the diet. My diet has taken a toll on me already. From the first month until now.

Nevertheless, I knew I have to take care of the child growing in me more than anything else. A woman needs to maintain a healthy diet, especially during the first and second trimester. The body goes through so many, it needs extra calories of around 350 to 500, minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients.hormonal changes.

Below are some of the important tips and tricks I would like to share with you, which I have learned throughout my journey until now.

Increase the intake of the following eateries during pregnancy
  1. Dairy Products: These are the best products to consume in your pregnancy. To fill your calcium and protein needs, dairy products are a must-have during pregnancy. Especially yoghurt – which is the best option if you do not like consuming milk. Lactose intolerant people can also tolerate yoghurt.
  2. Legumes: Legumes consists of peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, and peanuts. They have a huge amount of iron, fibre, folate, protein and provides you with all that you need to eat during pregnancy. It would come to you as a shocker, but there are a lot of pregnant women who are unable to consume the nominal amount of folate in their diet.
  3. Fresh fruits: My doctor always says Eat fruit as much as you can and if you can take fruit as it is, it’s much better as juicing it sometimes changes its natural fibres. The juice is good only in case you are not able to eat. Fruits directly eaten fills your tummy and your digestion system starts working in proper mode creating more enzymes to digest your food. Coconut water is a must in case of dehydration and mineral deficiency. Everyone says you should not eat papaya or pineapple. But eating two to three pieces sometimes won’t harm you. Do not eat in first trimester these two fruits, later you can ea if you wish in small quantities. I do eat papayas n pineapple as mix fruit salad. I get muscle sprain attack in the night, that’s due to less calcium, so I make sure that I take my daily calcium tablets daily. Try to eat more pomegranate as much as you can as healthy munching. Healthy breakfast and hot breakfast is always good. In case you feel your fetus is moving less and you are missing it. Give a sugar boost to urself and see your baby kicking faster.
How to manage your food habits during pregnancy

There is no rocket science to understand that you need to eat healthy and clean when you are expecting a baby. Especially during the first trimester, you need to eat fibrous food. Food that is rich in calcium, iron, and protein. It will be nice if you eat home-cooked food and ensure that you maintain a balanced diet.

If it seems to be time-consuming for you, you can always freeze large portions of dishes during the weekend. Having said that fresh food is always preferred, but to save time or your energy there are various healthy diet options available. If I buy freshly frozen eatables, I make sure to check the ingredients and thereafter make my purchase.

Additionally, you can always freeze vegetables. You can chop the vegetables and freeze them over the weekend. This can then be used now and then in your routine diet.

Drink lots of Water apart from the fluids during pregnancy:
This is one such thing, which either you are pregnant or not being told about it. However, undoubtedly, water is one thing that needs to go in you in a huge amount. Water must be drunk until you quench your thirst.

Foods that you need to avoid during pregnancy

Keeping it simple and raw, since a lot of times a lot has been said that you need to avoid and so and so dish. However, we tend to make mistake their and eat them. Therefore, the following are the food items which must be avoided:

  • Raw Meat
  • Raw Eggs
  • Fish – swordfish, shark, tilefish
  • Unpasteurized dairy products
  • Soft cheese
  • Ready to eat food items
  • Alcohol

Being vegetarian, we lack in protein content in food hence I majorly rely on sprouts. But people who eat Non-vegetarian food, must take a protein-rich diet.

Myths that go around about the eating habits in pregnancy

There are certain myths that I have come across during my pregnancy:

Food Craving: About food cravings, initially people used to say that it is such that a woman has a sudden craving or eating ice cream. It must not always be the case, sometimes the body lets you know that it needs such an item because it requires the nutrients available in it. Not the particular food item. I don’t have any craving, I only crave for food be it Normal meal like Dal chawal or Roti sabzi. I just want to eat something, so I keep many healthy munchin with me. Though sometimes I like to eat pickles or odewa but that’s only when my taste buds are dead.

Morning Sickness: A lot of times it happens that when I woke up, I felt morning sickness and thought if I would not eat anything it will be alright. However, I was wrong. Our body needs food to gain energy and so does the baby that is growing in you.

You are eating for two: A very cliché saying that goes around are “you have to eat for two lives”. This certainly does not mean that you need to eat twice as you were initially consuming. You need to increase your calorie intake of around 200 calories or above. And especially in your first trimester, you are not eating for two people.

Key Takeaway of what to eat during pregnancy

You must work with your doctor, to know and list down an eating plan for yourself during pregnancy. Each trimester might come up as a different one, you must be craving for something in one and not feel like eating in another. You need to gain weight, but how much is what your doctor will be able to decide and let you know better.

Most of the time our baby’s organ development will occur during the first and second trimester. Therefore, it is important that you are as healthy and kept as much you can be during any crucial time of this stage.