
Weight Loss Strategies With Health Benefits

Here’s the key: Weight loss is all about burning more calories than you eat. We always keep an ideal body structure or body weight in mind when we are planning for weight loss, don’t we? It has become widespread or you can say it is the new norm that people, especially the ones who are struggling with weight loss, believe that unless and until they don’t lose specific kilograms or they don’t reach the ideal body weight or BMI they won’t be healthy or won’t be perfect. This is not true. Weight loss is not about losing dozens of kilograms, instead, it’s all about losing weight that is ideal for your health. In fact, even losing just 5-10 kilograms can result in effective health benefits.

You might also need professional help from dieticians, and nutritionists about what is a healthy weight for you. Apart from that here are some tips that are proven to be helpful in the weight loss journey that we have included in this article.

Why is Weight Loss Important?

When a person is underweight or overweight, they are more at risk of facing major health issues or even potentially life-threatening diseases. Weight loss is followed when a person is overweight. In such cases, excessive weight gain has proven to be causing the risk of certain cancers, type 2 diabetes and even certain heart diseases. It also causes various minor health conditions that can lead to major issues, like sleep apnea, gallstones, and more. These conditions must be coercing and motivating enough for people struggling with being overweight and having no willpower to change their diet or lifestyle. Some people also face body shaming, which leads to a lack of confidence, lack of self-esteem and even depression. And hence, weight loss can help them to gain better physical and mental health.

Tips For Weight Loss:

1.     Balanced Diet

You need to realize that not all calories and not all bodies are the same. The right dietary intake includes the right amount of all the nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins. Decreasing the amount of calories and burning a certain amount of calories is just the first step in the weight loss journey and never a permanent solution. If you are looking for a healthy body after weight loss, you need to understand that you should switch to a more moderate dietary intake.

2.     Regular Physical Activity

Weight loss apart from balanced dietary intake is also about burning enough calories, and that can be avoided by having a good physical activity routine. A person looking for weight loss must aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise that might include brisk walking, cycling or 75 minutes of vigorous activities like running, swimming, and following a routine. Gradually you can combine these with strength-training exercises which will help in building muscle mass. These exercises will ultimately increase one’s metabolism which will help burn more calories even at rest. To avoid lethargy or laziness, you can find activities and exercises that you find fun to do, this will make you consistent in your exercise regime and make physical activity a sustainable part of your life. Exercise is one of the most effective tips for weight loss and has great health benefits as well.

3.     Stay Hydrated

Water consumption before meals has proven to be an effective measure for weight loss. Water helps in boosting metabolism and also aids in burning body fat more efficiently. One must avoid sugary drinks to decrease unnecessary calorie intake and go for water which also benefits overall health.

4.     Adequate Sleep and Managing Stress

Sleep and stress play a major role in gaining weight. So if you are looking for weight loss tips then managing sleep and stress is the key. Having a healthy sleep cycle (7-9 hours) helps regulate hunger hormones, and reduces binge eating, while managing stress helps prevent emotional eating. Include relaxation routines of meditation or yoga that will help you manage stress and improve sleep, which are both proven to be effective tips for weight loss.

5.     Avoid Processed Foods

Nowadays, processed food has become our go-to dietary intake, and has proven to be unhealthy. They often contain hidden sugar, and unhealthy fats and are high in calories, which all promote unhealthy weight gain. Opting for healthy food options like vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains supports overall health and makes weight loss more sustainable.

6.     Seek Professional Help

A health professional or a registered dietician will help you provide a personal weight loss guide adhering to your needs. This will ensure a safe and effective approach towards healthy weight goals.


Following the above-mentioned weight loss tips will not only help you burn calories but also effective health benefits. These tips will reduce your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. Making these lifestyle changes will promote elevated energy levels, better sleep cycles and overall good mental and physical health. By inducing these tips in your routine you’re not just losing weight but investing in a healthier and vibrant life.


Snehalata Jain, Mother, Lifestyle blogger, Traveler, Foodie and has a knack of parental advice. She loves to travel with her family and especially her daughter angel so that she can teach her kid the real life experience. A Micro Biologist and lecturer by profession, a full time mother and blogger by choice. She is a social media pro since 2012 handling over 100 profiles till now. Stepping to blog was her decision when she realized that whatever you do or experience, documentation makes it authentic. She loves photography and traveling and creating unique recipes which are healthy and tasty. She writes what she experience during her trips. About Blogsikka : It was just a quick decision to make my lifestyle blog , while searching for blog name. I wanted a name which is not related to specific things as my life is so dynamic that I can’t stick to one thing. I love travelling and eat delicacies from around the world. My love doesn’t stop here , infact I love to cook delicious thing which I see during my trips and replicate at home. Blogsikka is all about my own experiences of life and i write whatever i experience. And my backbone support is my husband DILKHUSH SHAH who is chartered accountant by profession and a hard core traveler by passion. He is the reason behind my all trips. DO FOLLOW MY BLOG : and my all social media tabs

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