
Globe Trotting with kids #travelwithkids #blogchatterA2Z

Globe Trotting means to travel throughout the world, especially, frequently or regularly. To travel throughout the world or to go on the world tour is everyone’s dream even it’s my dream to go on a world tour. I just love to travel and what if I get a chance to explore the World? I will definitely love it since one of my biggest dreams will be fulfilled.

globe trotting As a kid, while looking at the globe and moving it with my finger I always dream of the traveling whole world. Today being a travel blogger and a mom of a six years daughter I feel, this is the perfect time for me to fulfill my dream and I wish to go on a world tour with my entire family. Dreaming of going Globe Trotting with family especially with kid requires a lot to take care of. One should be financially strong, along with this there should be few aspects which need to be considered while involving in Globe Trotting.

  1. One should keep complete knowledge of the place or a country you are visiting.
  2. Every country you travel have different currency and with the different value. You should have proper knowledge of it.
  3. Rules and regulations of different countries differ, you should keep note of it.
  4. Documents of your identity, passport and citizenship proof should be kept safe.
  5. Precautions should be taken regarding the health of your loved ones who are traveling with you.

Not everyone gets a chance of Globe Trotting because at every phase of life a person has a lot of responsibilities which keeps on growing with age. Sometimes time can be an issue or sometimes finance can be a point to be considered. Even if I have enough time but not have enough money for a world tour and vice versa, there will be no sense. Globe Trotting can be possible for a person if he is in the business of traveling or any job which gives you opportunities to travel different places.

globe trotting

globe trottingI wish once when I will become well settled and financially strong, I will surely plan about Globe Trotting. While planning for Globe-Trotting you will not only get a chance to explore different places and meet new people but will also get a chance to know about traditions, cultures, climate and food of different countries. According to my opinion going on Globe Trotting with your kids will be a quite daunting task, since you yourself are visiting those places for the first time so have no knowledge about the climate there, availabilities of basic necessary things, etc.  But if my kid is grown up and have interest in travel, I think I will surely take her with me, even she will get a chance to explore new places and gain new knowledge from it.

globe trottingSo, it will be great if you go on a World tour with your life partner or with your close friend or relative, because when you travel at any place with whom you are travelling matters a lot and when the companion you are travelling with is your loved one your journey will be more fruitful and memorable.


globePs: I am participating in the #BlogchatterA2Z challenge and hence today ’s letter is G and my today’s topic is Globe Trotting with kids.


Snehalata Jain, Mother, Lifestyle blogger, Traveler, Foodie and has a knack of parental advice. She loves to travel with her family and especially her daughter angel so that she can teach her kid the real life experience. A Micro Biologist and lecturer by profession, a full time mother and blogger by choice. She is a social media pro since 2012 handling over 100 profiles till now. Stepping to blog was her decision when she realized that whatever you do or experience, documentation makes it authentic. She loves photography and traveling and creating unique recipes which are healthy and tasty. She writes what she experience during her trips. About Blogsikka : It was just a quick decision to make my lifestyle blog , while searching for blog name. I wanted a name which is not related to specific things as my life is so dynamic that I can’t stick to one thing. I love travelling and eat delicacies from around the world. My love doesn’t stop here , infact I love to cook delicious thing which I see during my trips and replicate at home. Blogsikka is all about my own experiences of life and i write whatever i experience. And my backbone support is my husband DILKHUSH SHAH who is chartered accountant by profession and a hard core traveler by passion. He is the reason behind my all trips. DO FOLLOW MY BLOG : and my all social media tabs


  1. Even i am globe trotter and going now to malaysia and then to china then shenghai wish to see whole world

  2. Very useful tips that needs to be kept in mind. How I wish I can travel the world one day leaving all the worries and responsibilities back at home.

  3. Good tips for globe-trotting Sneha, and nicely composed. I have had the opportunity and privilege to travel around the world a bit, thanks to my work, but it has mostly been alone. So I was able to relate to the point of companionship and how you could enjoy better with your near and dear ones travelling with you. But, you have covered very useful information in your post which are important for international travel.

  4. I would love to travel to a new place any day. And bit by bit, I will someday be close to fulfill the far fetched dream. Well written points to be considered when travelling. I love solo or otherwise with like minded traveling people 🙂

  5. Surbhi Mahobia Reply

    Globe trotting – as fancy and cool it may sound, it also comes with huge challenges. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about it.

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