
3 Z’s of Effective Parenting

I know being parents is a tough job, you have to be careful with every step. Don’t you agree? Raising the kids was never so easy but you don’t have to be perfect. You just need effective parenting tips that will help you as a mini-guide in your parenting journey. Be thankful to the #BlogChatterAtoZ Challenge is allowing me to share my personal experience with you. You might have been reading my blogs, and you know today is the last alphabet from this challenge.

3Z’s that you have been waiting for, now it is the time to reveal the 3Z’s of effective parenting. Let’s get started with our last article with #BlogChatter. 

  • Zeal

Our first word with Z is Zeal which means to have great enthusiasm or energy. Enthusiasm and energy are directly related to kids, they immediately get pepped up for anything. Being a parent, you need to involve them in your workout activities. Take your child with you for a morning walk. Structured activities help teens to be physically active. These activities will allow them to experience positive emotion, skills, and character development. Remember you don’t have to force them, you just have to make the exercises and activities interesting.

  • Zappy

Zappy means energetic that a child should be. Nowadays kids are more addicted to mobiles and laptops. Trust me they have lost interest in outdoor games. You have to make your efforts by teaching them how you play at your times. Make them learn about the new outdoor games that you might have played at your school time. Play with them, give them the activity that describes their personality. Brainstorm their mind and challenge them for different activities.

  • Zen

Zen means calm attentiveness. To raise a zen child means to raise a healthy, creative, and expressive child. To make them learn, honor their natural wisdom, appreciate their decision, make them a part of your decisions, give them a practical and ask them to solve it. You need to grow yourself to make them grow.

So these are the 3Z’s of effective parenting that will help you to raise your child. I hope you have learned some great tips about parenting! For any doubts, you can drop a comment below!

Also, Read, 3 Y’s of Effective Parenting

3 Z’s of Effective Parenting | A to Z Challenge by #BlogChatterA2Z
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3 Z’s of Effective Parenting | A to Z Challenge by #BlogChatterA2Z
3Z’s that you have been waiting for, now it is the time to reveal the 3Z’s of effective parenting. Let’s get started with last article with #BlogChatter. 
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