
3 Y’s of Effective Parenting

Welcome to the second last article of this A to Z Challenge by #BlogChatterA2Z! It feels so amazing to discuss some of the great parenting tips. I hope those tips are helpful for you. So, let’s start with 3 Y’ of Effective Parenting. 

  • Yeasty

Yeasty relates to being creative and excited at the same time. And, when you are a parent, it is important to have both emotions. Because if you are creative and you put your ideas into reality, your kids will be inspired by you and they will tend to do the same. 

  • Yogic 

As you might know, the word yogic symbolizes being involved in the yoga exercise. The idea of adding this word into the list of effective parenting is to focus on exercise because it will encourage your children to be physically and mentally fit.

  • Young At Heart

As you tend to be a responsible parent, it gets burdensome to be lively all the time. But, being open-minded and welcoming your child’s perspective helps you to be young at heart as well. Don’t take too much stress over the little things. Try to have a positive outlook and encourage as well as support them in their decision-making. Because not only they will trust you more but also it will help you to make a stronger connection with your child.  

So have you enjoyed these tips? I have put a lot of thoughts and great tips that I could think of. If you have your special parenting tips, please share them in the comment section. 

Also, Read 3 X’s of Effective Parenting

3 Y’s of Effective Parenting | A to Z Challenge by #BlogChatterA2Z
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3 Y’s of Effective Parenting | A to Z Challenge by #BlogChatterA2Z
It feels so amazing to discuss some of the great parenting tips. I hope those tips are helpful for you. So, let’s start with 3 Y’ of Effective Parenting. 
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  1. Pingback: 3 Z’s of Effective Parenting | A to Z Challenge by #BlogChatterA2Z

  2. Richa jaiswal Reply

    Really an interesting post . Very informative and helpful.

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