
3 W’s of Effective Parenting

If you want to be an effective parent, then you will always make the right decision for your child that aligns with their interest, isn’t it? And the road to being a perfect parent is never-ending. And becoming a ‘perfect’ parent is a cliche title because you can’t become one. You will make mistakes even after becoming parents for years.

So, never strive for becoming perfect. Always try to be an effective and impactful parent. So, in the A to Z Challenge by #BlogChatterA2Z, I am sharing 3 W’s of effective parenting. Also, check out the previous post in this series.

  1. Welcoming

Never abandon your kids no matter how wrong they are. You can show your anger for their mistakes but never leave them. Just welcome them with your open arms and open heart. Sometimes, it is important to consider your child’s emotions and place yourself in their shoes and check what they are going through.

  1. Wise

Being wise doesn’t mean solving maths equations or doing science experiments. In life, it means much more than this. If you can distinguish between right and wrong without being biased then you are wise. You can’t make the right choice every time. But it is essential to be aware of the difference to make the best choice for your kids.

  1. Witty

When you are a parent, then you have to take care of your kids, household chores, and manage your professional work as well (if you are a working parent). You are always running on a low battery, but keeping a wittiness character can help you ease out throughout the day for sure.

Let me know in the comment which tip you are going to follow to become an effective parent. We are almost at the end of this A to Z Challenge. I hope I am teaching you new things to ace the parenting journey.


3 W’s of Effective Parenting | A to Z Challenge by #BlogChatterA2Z
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3 W’s of Effective Parenting | A to Z Challenge by #BlogChatterA2Z
Never strive for becoming perfect. Always try to be an effective and impactful parent. So, I am sharing 3 W’s of effective parenting.
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