
As the world is slowly opening up amid a lull from the pandemic, the prolonged confinement has affected children’s worlds in many ways. Finding ways to help them adapt to the new normal yet feel connected has become vital. Keeping this in mind, this Children’s Day, Nickelodeon – the leading kids entertainment franchise – is inspiring all the little ones to express themselves and feel comfortable, understood, and respected enough to be their authentic selves through their campaign #NoStressExpress.

As the hiatus of more than a year is about to end as schools are gearing up for offline learning, here are 5 ways to help children express their authentic selves and feel heard by doing things that will make them feel good! 

Decision making

Give your kids the opportunities to make their own decisions. This could be anything from what clothes they want to wear on that day, even if you have to take them to the supermarket dressed as a minion or what they want for dinner, music they want to listen to, or even as small as a hairstyle! This will help them feel more confident with their own likes and preferences. 


Art therapy

Art & Crafts is a simple way for your children to express their emotions without saying a word! In fact, art therapy has been proven to improve mental, physical, and emotional well-being through innovative self-expression for kids and gown-ups, as well! And don’t forget, it’s not just restricted to painting or drawing but could also include dancing, music, etc. 


Talk About Emotions

As a parent, you are your kids greatest role model for life. Show your kids about self-expression by talking your emotions and why are you feeling sad, happy, or angry. Use an emoji feeling chart to assist them with understanding their feelings, it will help them to communicate and emote better. 


Encourage them to express themselves through their hobbies! Perhaps they like to get creative through yoga, dance, or let out their pent-up energy through karate. It’s a win- win! Not only will they be able to express who they are, but they will also be keeping healthy and fit in a way they enjoy

It’s all about them!

Here’s a fun and interesting activity for your child – encourage them to make a scrapbook or journal of themselves. They can include their likes and dislikes, or their interests and strengths. Let them have the liberty to choose how to present this project. They could maybe stick in photographs or magazine cut outs of their favorite cartoon character that inspires them. 

Your kids will grow more confident and creative if you give them the liberty to do so. By guiding them to practice what they love to do, you will prepare them to be the best versions as they grow up and will be able to express better! In an endeavour to let kids express their heart out, Nickelodeon provides children an opportunity to communicate one’s feelings in a 10-second video and upload it on to stand a chance to feature on Nickelodeon channel. Go, get express-ing!

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