“I am blogging about Pathshala Funwala by Nihar Shanti Amla Oil in Association with BlogAdda”

Ever heard about a dialogue from movie of Mr Amitabh Bachchan, ” because English is very funny language” what do you say is it funny?, well I don’t think so, because when I was admitted to New school after, seventh standard which was transfer from semi English medium to complete English medium school, I had suffered that trauma of not able to understand what teacher is explaining to me. Especially Grammar part was so much difficult to me to understand that I cried in front of my parents, that why did you change my school.
No doubt I was intelligent and good in studies, but the language barrier made me step back. In Hindi and Marathi I was scoring full marks, and even in maths, I was able to get decent marks. But what about other subjects, history geography, science? They were just like an alien language to me.
Reading was never an issue because I was from semi English medium, but understanding what has written was far difficult for me. The first unit test I failed miserably, but there is saying teachers are God to us. And one teacher whose name Mrs chaya vedpathak, who understood my problem and she was my Grammar teacher in school, told me to wait in school after school hours. Everyday she made me understand the Grammer and how to use vocabulary and thesaurus. She made me speak in front of her every day and correct till I do it grammatically correct.
In 1990 I don’t think we even had computers in school, forget about smart phones and new apps to make u learn everything in the quick span of time. That year in my school made me realize that my dad did a great job of changing my school, otherwise, I would not have learned English ever. My teacher made compulsory to talk in English in a classroom so that we learn to speak in a better way. This whole year same teacher taught me science history geography and Grammar, and for that, I can’t thank her enough.
In fact, my gratitude toward her cannot be described in words. After a year and so I was excelling in the English language and command over language got better, making me participate in Juliet ceaser act, which had one page dialogue of the French English, where we used to speak “thou, are, ours and so on. I did my best and got the best acting awards for that act in annual function. So to make students learn better English Nihar Naturals Shanti Amla, leading hair oil maker who is trusted brand in the country. Through its ‘Pathshala Funwala’ initiative, the brand endeavours to make education accessible to each student who wants to learn.
All you need is dial Nihar Shanti Amla’s Pathshala Funwala’s toll free number 8055667788.
So friends join the Nihar Naturals initiative to make English an easy language for everyone.