3P’s of Effective Parenting
Parenting has different aspects and to understand this one needs to know about the perspective of parenting. I am here to share some good parenting tips with you. We have covered a lot about parenting. We have started with A and now it is time to discuss the 3P’s of effective parenting with #ChatterBlogAtoZ. Trust me these tips are really helpful. It doesn’t matter whether you are a new parent or not. This blog will definitely help you!
Let’s learn together about how to be a good parent!
The first P teaches us about being polite. It has said that a child learns from their parents. So, you have to be polite with everyone around you and that’s how you will be able to teach your kids to be polite with their peers, elder, and animals as well. Make them learn about etiquettes, table manners, etc. Polite behavior will help them in social development. Praise them whenever they implement good manners in their daily routine.
Strengthen your bond with your child. Teach them in the best way about being proactive. Just demonstrate it in your own life. Make them learn about how to deal with a situation proactively. Help your child to conquer self-destructive behaviour and build, but be sure to have patience. Kids do have many questions and anyhow you have to answer them politely. Make them learn how to react to different situations.
As a parent, you definitely have the power to influence your kids towards success. We’re not talking about pushing them too far. We all want to help them in their success. You can teach them about specific skills, help them in visualizing what interests them more. Inspire them with creativity, communicate with them and help them to enhance their communication skills. Teach them how to utilize their leisure time. This is how you can help your child to be productive.
So here we have discussed the 3P’s of effective parenting. These tips I have implemented with my two kids! I can definitely say this will help you in raising your child better. If you have not started reading my blogs then let me tell you, you have missed a lot! I hope you will love this series of A to Z challenges.
Also, Read Three O’s of Effective Parenting