



       Peace in Mother’s arm  

Fair man, sitting under the tree, with a black hat and long jacket, playing a soft music on his violin. A passersby journo looked at him sharply and found as Mr George, the richest man of the city,  sitting quietly with out any security…

Man sitting under the tree

He calmly asked “sir, if I’m not wrong, are you the owner of X brand”.
He replied softly by nodding his head.

Journo asked him again, may I know why are you sitting here?

Mr George replied ” Holding a seat near this tree so that when I die I get a shade of this tree, which is grown on my mom’s cemetery. She was the one who took me in her arms for the first time and I want her to hold me again for the last time when I die”.

Journo had no words to speak after that. He walks away with deep thoughts.

Word count 150

I am taking part in the #FridayFotoFiction – Weekly Flash Fiction Writing Challenge hosted byTina and Mayuri