
3A’s of Parenting

Hola! We are again back in April with our A-Z blogging challenge by #BlogchatterA2Z. Trust me, it is an extreme pleasure to participate in this challenge for the past 4 years and it excites me every time. Your wait is finally over, and I am coming up with a new theme to this challenge, i.e. A-Z becoming an effective parent. If you are a parent then this blog will be worth it. What are you thinking? This niche is related and close to my heart as every parent should know how effective parenting is important and how it helps you and your child to make a stronger bond.

So, let’s start with alphabet A, Do you know what are the 3A’s of becoming an effective parent? If not they do give a full read to this blog.


Acceptance is the key to open the door to different opportunities. Once we become parents, the acceptance of our child shows how she/he is making parenting effective as we are unlocking the door of possibilities, and finding the new and creative solution to every hurdle. In my opinion, once you start accepting the situation, your whole perspective towards parenting will change. When I started hurdles came around but trust me the situation tremendously changed.


The availability towards your child might be tough but it is not impossible. You have to take them as a priority, this will help them gain trust and open up to you. Don’t stress! Being a parent makes them believe, no matter what the situation is you will be available with them. This will help your child be more confident. Availability towards my children is the key and being available to them is a sense of identity that makes them conclude that they are secure.


Parents Affirmation is security, praising and encouraging them makes them believe that they are important to you. Make a positive statement every time they do something good, talk about their good traits. Our children have a desire of being loved, they feel valued and loved for what they are. So, affirm their attributes.

There is a whole lot of difference between effective parenting and good parenting. Don’t you agree with it? A loving parenting guide can bring a change not only in parents but as well as children’s life.

A-Z blogging challenge by #BlogchatterA2Z

Stay tuned for my next blog where I will be revealing the effective parenting techniques which starts from the letter ‘B’

3A’s of Parenting | A-Z blogging challenge by #BlogchatterA2Z
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3A’s of Parenting | A-Z blogging challenge by #BlogchatterA2Z
Do you know what are the 3A’s of becoming an effective parent? If not they do give a full read to this blog to know 3A’s of Parenting.
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  1. Nice article, Sneha. As a parent, it’s our responsibility to accept our children as they are and imbibe confidence in them.

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